Social Media Survey

Most of us spend a good chunk of our time interacting with the world through social media. Various platforms abound and new ones seem to bubble up to the surface almost daily. Many people use multiple platforms, but we suspect we each have one that is our favorite. Hopefully, we spend the most time on the social network that gives us the biggest return for our investment of time and energy. We’d like to know which platform that is for you.

Tell us, from among the choices listed, which is your preferred social media platform:

My favorite social media program is:

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Author: Administrators

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6 thoughts on “Social Media Survey”

  1. I have no favorite, but my UN-favorite is Facebook for a number of reasons, all having to do with not knowing what I’m doing and high levels of frustration. The others seem less complex to learn.

  2. This was hard, because each network has certain advantages and disadvantages. Except for MySpace and Soci, I use each of the sites listed, and have gotten some advantage from each.

  3. I use most of them, but prefer Google + because it has better content, and is less whiny.

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