Timothy Hurley Announces New Release

Author Timothy Hurley is pleased to announce the release of his new humorous short story, Memo to Hell.

In this funnier than a lawyer-walks-into-a-bar story, Blogger-jerk gets Cookie Monster’s color wrong and foolishly argues with Manhattan lawyers about it. And even as his dreams and writing career sink into the East River, and he vows never to blog about green cartoon characters, it’s obvious — he ain’t learned his lesson.

Memo to Hell was released on December 26, 2012 and is currently available from Amazon.com and Amazon UK.

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2 thoughts on “Timothy Hurley Announces New Release”

  1. I read this short recently. It is very funny and unique. Timothy Hurley has a great comedic style and voice. If you’ve ever laughed out loud at something and said, “that is so random” then this read is for you.

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