Book Brief: Fleischerhaus

Fleischerhaus by Melissa BowersockFleischerhaus
by Melissa Bowersock
Genres: Paranormal/romance/suspense
Word count: 52,400

Julia Martin, newly-divorced but still reeling from her husband’s infidelity, takes a much needed vacation to visit old college friends in Germany. While touring a little-known concentration camp and museum, she spontaneously experiences a violent past life memory of being murdered in this very camp during the Holocaust. Efforts to understand her memories only lead to more questions, the largest being: is her killer still alive? Supported by her friends and comforted in the arms of a handsome doctor, Julia attempts to uncover the mysteries of her past life and find justice for the person she used to be.

Fleischerhaus is available from and Amazon UK.

Melissa, how did you come up with the title for your book? Does it have any special meaning?
Fleischerhaus is the name of the small concentration camp where the past-life memory emerges. In German, it means “house of the butcher.”

Who was your favorite character and why?
My favorite character is Julia, the protagonist. Although blind-sided by her husband’s infidelity and questioning her perception of reality, she has the conviction to follow her instincts even when they lead to an impossible conclusion.

Does your book have any underlying theme, message, or moral?
While not intentional, the underlying theme might be that all our lives (past and present) are connected, and what we do in our current life can bring redemption for the past.

What would/could a reader or reviewer say about this book that shows they “get” you as an author?
I would love it if any reader said they appreciated the complexities and inter-connectivity of life that this story hints at.

Give us an excerpted quote from your favorite review of this book:
“I don’t believe in the concept that we all have a past-life. … This didn’t make a scrap of difference to my enjoyment of this book, however.”

Where can people learn more about you?

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