Susan Berry Is This Week’s Flash Fiction Winner

Congratulations to Susan Berry whose entry won this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.

The voter-selected story is recognized with a special feature here today and wins a place in our 2015 Flash Fiction Anthology, which will be published as an eBook when this year’s challenges are completed.

Without further ado, here’s the winning story:

New Hampshire Stream writing prompt photo copyright K. S. Brooks
New Hampshire Stream photo copyright K. S. Brooks. Do not use without attribution.

by Susan Berry

That’s when I heard a scream shatter the peaceful quiet of our farmhouse. Knowing my husband is a very sound sleeper, I went alone to investigate. As I approached the side of the house, I could hear a loud humming that reminded me of the sound my Uncle Chuck makes while eating his favorite pecan pie. Rounding the corner, I stood face-to-face with a small, furry alien creature standing in McAllister’s creek holding a dead chicken.

Its eye was staring at me and three appendages that looked like long, crooked fingers had the stomach of the chicken shoved in its over-sized mouth.

I ran to the barn and quickly locked the door. No sooner had I caught my breath then I heard that scream again, followed by banging. As I looked around the barn for a place to hide a gunshot rang out, then three more. Just as my legs felt like giving out another banging only this time, my husband’s voice followed.

Opening the door I fell into his arms, tears streaming down my face. He held me close as we walked back to the house. Reaching the landing of the porch, I looked over at him. Something seemed out of place. As we entered the house, I noticed a small feather hanging from the corner of his mouth. As he reached up to lock the door, I saw those three appendages again and the scream filling the night this time was mine.

Author: Administrators

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