GDPR Compliance Update

Earlier this week, I wrote an article called Authors with Newsletters Must Get Subscribers to Opt-in Again Per EU Regulations. Since then, new information has come to light that may impact authors.

Please note that while many companies are reconfirming their lists, this may not be necessary. A podcast mentioned in the comments of the above-listed article, which can also be found here, featured a UK-based attorney who recommends not reconfirming your list. The attorney suggests asking for reconfirmation suggests you do not already have permission, and if you don’t have permission to contact them, you should not be emailing them to begin with. Please note that many newsletter companies are offering templates to revalidate subscribers, so they are expecting at least some subscribers to require additional validation. Use your own best judgment on what to do. We here at Indies Unlimited are not attorneys and do not offer legal advice. If you need legal advice, speak with a lawyer. We have free and low-cost legal services listed on our Legal Resource Page here.

We will keep you posted if further information arises.

Author: RJ Crayton

RJ Crayton is a former journalist turned novelist. By day, she writes thrillers with a touch of romance. By night, she practices the art of ninja mom. To learn more about her or her books, visit her website or her Author Central page.

3 thoughts on “GDPR Compliance Update”

  1. Tyler James from ComixLaunch has a free sessions on Facebook that cover how to prepare yourself and your email list. First up is putting a privacy policy on your webpage. (He has templates.) Also, MailChimp has easy to follow instructions to update your list.

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