Dusty May Jane is the readers’ choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.
The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.
Without further ado, here’s the winning entry:

Motivated Agent
by Dusty May Jane
Gordon knew of a perfect property for his snobbish Texas clients, with sprawling acreage, a large modern kitchen and twenty bedrooms. The property wasn’t on the market yet, however. If only old bitty Langseth would hurry and kick off.
Gordon drooled at the thought of his commission and plotted to get the listing before he lost his Texas clients for good.
That night Dorothy left her bed to find out what her little dog Peppy was barking at. One little trip at the top of the grand staircase and poor Dorothy met her untimely demise.
Gordon grinned inwardly when he read the obituary. He found it ironic that Dorothy had come from Texas but didn’t give it another thought. He was too busy thinking about what he would spend his commission on.
The ringing of his phone interrupted his daydreams. “Gordon Crestwell here.”
It was the Texans. “Well Gordo, turns out we won’t be needing your services anymore. The wifey was named in her Great Aunt Dorothy’s will and inherited everything, including her property. It’s about perfect too. Go figure!” He hung up with a chuckle.
“Great, that’s just great.” Gordon was not chuckling.
Thank you!
Dusty May Jane,
What a great use of satire!
I hope the Texans take good care of Peppy.
LOL! Thank you so much!