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Back From Chaos: Book One of Earth’s Pendulum: FREE
By: Yvonne Hertzberger
An assassin, a young lord, his lady and her maid don’t know it – but the goddess Earth needs them all to heal her power and save their world.
Title: The Noise in the Grass and Other Flash Fiction Tales
Author: Nova Newton
Blurb: Dragons, faeries, rockets, and new worlds. Love, war, loneliness and joy. 25 flash fiction stories told in 250 words or less.
Price: 0.99, until July.
Pocket Book of Nursery Rhymes
Wendy Tush
Illustrated nursery rhymes for bedtime, anytime, & everyday reading with a bonus free PDF companion coloring book
Always 99 cents
The Island Game: The Inside Story of Seaward Isle
Joni Parker
Journalist Olivia Richards introduces the Elf island also known as Seaward Isle.
99 cents
Owl’s Eye View Magazine Volume 7 – Issue 6
Terri DelCampo
A dark fiction monthly featuring columns, poetry, and short stories written by Terri DelCampo and her ongoing fictitious characters.
99 cents
1. Valiant, Vol. 1: Damsel in Distress
2. Lynn Sheridan
3. Non-stop fights, hard-hitting heroines, ravenous vampires and snappy one-liners in this action packed novella
5. 99 cents (always) and free with Kindle Unlimited
Tides Of Chaos
Lori R. Lopez & Blaze McRob
In a world gone mad, the apocalypse has arrived. Can Elvie and Ed save the planet? Can they save themselves?
99 cents
Life First
RJ Crayton
Strong-willed Kelsey Reed must escape tonight or tomorrow her government will take her kidney and give it to someone else.
Almost Perfect (A short story)
An insolent grandson with special DNA requires a special solution; find out Bitsy’s.
Krystal’s Challenges: Question and Answers
By Kristal E. Lynn
Krystal Hart has cerebral palsy and uses an electric wheelchair to get around. She is now mainstreamed in the second grade explains what she can and can not do to the class.
The Futility of Loving a Soldier
E.D. Martin
11 short stories about veterans of 5 wars and the challenges they and their families face.
$.99 through Saturday, 6/18
House of Khepru : Volume One
Calvin Travostin
Cayne starts his first week of college, and gets pulled into a supernatural war.
Amadea: One Spring in France
Michelle Granas
“A quick, entertaining, wonderful story”—Amazon review. Love and unusual friendships develop in a French village.
$.99 this week (free with Kindle Unlimited)
Swans Are Fat Too
Michelle Granas
A heartwarming love story between an overweight pianist and a disinherited prince in Warsaw—an Amazon bestseller.
$.99 this week (free with Kindle Unlimited)
Zaremba, or Love and the Rule of Law
Michelle Granas
Cordelia is disabled but is forced to take action when a stranger needs her help—an Amazon bestseller set in Poland.
$.99 this week (free with Kindle Unlimited)
The Body in the Alpaca Pasture
by Jerold Last
A cozy Roger and Suzanne mystery featuring an exotic setting, a complex murder case, and a suspenseful whodunit.
$0.99, FREE from Kindle Unlimited
The Monster Underneath
By Matthew Franks
A psychic enters the dreams of a suspected serial killer to help the FBI get a confession.
$0.99 through tomorrow June 17!
Free Tools For Writers, Bloggers & Solopreneurs
By Karen Banes
Free tools, apps and resources to help you run your blog, website or other online business on a shoestring budget.
Always 99 cents
Konrad and the Birthday Painting
by Sandra R Andersson
A pair of sunglasses transform the boring painting into the most beautiful thing you ever saw—and a powerful spy device at that.
99 cents until Monday 20th (FREE with KU)
Electric Guitar: Gear – A Complete Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Guitar Effects And The Gear Used For Electric Guitar
by Nicolas Carter
This book will help you to master the tone of your instrument!
FREE until June 18th
Piece of Cake: Clean & Wholesome Mail Order Brides novel
by Kent HamiIlton
Will everything work itself out into a happily ever after? Or are two love birds doomed to a life of hardship and unhappiness?
FREE on June 16th
French Travel Finds: Exceptional French Places to Stay
by Christopher Strong.
French Accommodation Guidebook with huge 4 color photos and descriptions by property owners. 157 pages.
.99 cents (regular $7.99) June 23 – 26
Cadet: Olympian Book 2 by Lee Ness
Historical Fiction/New Adult – When everyone at the academy wants him dead, can Alexander be the last man standing?
0.99 (Regular price 2.99) Until June 29
Playing Charlie Cool
Laurie Boris
Joshua’s ex-wife might be conniving to keep the two men apart, but Charlie knows he has to play it right or risk losing his love forever.
0.99 (Regular price 2.99) until July 5
Facade of Evil and Other Tales from ‘Heathen with Teeth’
Jonathan Jones
Four short stories of a conflict between vampires and the oppressive human Realm, and the emergence of a frightening resistance leader.
FREE – permanently.
Physical Therapy Career & Salary Guide: Avoid the Income Ceiling and Put Your Career in the FASTLANE
by Chad Prince
No matter where you are in your career, this book can help you gain insight into what it takes to earn a top salary as a physical therapist.
FREE until June 23rd
The College Entrepreneur: How to leverage your university to build a business, escape the rat race and live life on your terms
by Kyle Gray
FREE on June 20th
Buddha in a Red Dress: A Refreshing Guide to Mindfulness, Meditation and Transformational Adventures
by Melanie Dilday
This is not your usual ‘how to be happy’ book. It’s a raw and real autobiography of one woman’s personal and spiritual growth.
FREE until June 22nd
Digital Detox: Unplug To Reclaim Your Life
by Damon Zahariades
Take A Break From Technology And Enjoy Life Unplugged!
FREE on June 21st
Life is a Beautiful Thing: (Book One) (Cyberpunk Science Fiction Series)
by Harmon Cooper
The future is futile. Strap yourself in.
Permanently FREE on Amazon.COM store
38 School Street: A Memoir
by George Monteiro
Through its various forms of expression, this memoir seeks to understand Francisco and Augusta Monteiro, who found a life that was more difficult than they had expected.
FREE until June 23rd
Teens, Take Flight: On the Pathway to Become Full-Fledged Adults
by Luna Rugova
This book walks teens through the many challenges they will face, and show them how to build up mutual trust with their parents so they can have more freedom and space.
FREE until June 23rd
1. Sovereign’s Wake
2. Lee LaCroix
3. A father does what he must to save his son and his homeland in the absence of kings.
5. FREE on July 1st, 2016
Book Title: Personal Goal Atlas Journal Guide

Author: S. R. Sinclair
Keep track of your goals by creating a personal goal atlas and leave behind a great legacy.
Price: $0.99 6/29/16 – 6/30/16
The Ultimate Guide To Family Travel

Ralph Cockburn
Destination non-specific, guide to traveling with children.
FREE today only 6/30/2016
The Harlem Renaissance Time Traveler’s Diary

Lashonda Beauregard
West Barrington, a Harlem musician from 1926, travels to the future to 2016.
Always $.99 cents
Messages From Your Future

Larry Faulkner
Why not use the hindsight of others to foresee and then sidestep the potential downfalls lurking in your financial future?
Available for 99¢ August 9-13, 2016
Loving Faith and Hope

Angelin Sydney
This contemporary love story has an interesting premise: Love isn’t deserved. It is freely given.