It’s a new year – so why not start it right with some new books? Go right ahead and fill up your eReader with free and 99 cent eBooks, or gift them! We have plenty here on Thrifty Thursday.
Readers: look in the comment section below. If you see one you like, click over and buy it. How easy is that? (If you don’t see the book covers, adjust your browser’s adblock settings.)
Authors: if you have a book priced at 99¢ or less (that’s right, post your free eBooks here, too!), follow the instructions below and post it right in the comment section. Got more than one bargain book? Go ahead and post up to five titles but only one book and ONE link per comment please!
We will convert Amazon links to spiffy clickable book covers. Do not attempt to insert an image in comments on your own. Just put the following information in the comment section:
1. Book title
2. Author name
3. A one sentence blurb (~140 characters – longer descriptions will be deleted)
4. ONE link to purchase the book (only secure retail sites – Amazon, Smashwords, B&N, Kobo, or Apple/iStore)
5. Whether your book is free or 99 cents (and for how long/what dates)
6. Limit FIVE books per author.
Then let your friends and fans know your book is available here today. Use the share buttons below, or copy the link in the address bar above and share the news on your favorite social media platforms. The more, the merrier, right?
So let’s give it a try, shall we? Please make sure to follow the RULES above. Now, go ahead and tell the world about your cheap read. IU is a safe-for-work site. PLEASE do not post links to erotica, religious, or political titles – they will be deleted without notice. Kindle Unlimited books do NOT go here. If you want to advertise a KU book, you may do so on Kindle Unlimited Fridays. Thank you.
[Note: if the book cover images below do not display properly, please check your AdBlock settings.]
The Red River Queen: The Adventures of Deputy US Marshal Bass Reeves

Charles Ray
Bass is sent to arrest Scarlett Flint, leader of a gang of river pirates.
99 cents
William Coburn: Cowboy vs the Sea Monster

Charles Ray
A cowboy takes a clipper ship from Texas to California, and during the voyage has an unbelievable encounter.
99 cents
If a Tree Falls in the Forest

Michael Poeltl
The Hello Me series explains in easy to understand terms the similarities between science and spirit through illustrations and simplified explanations.
A Bad Day to Die: The Adventures of Deputy US Marshal Bass Reeves

Charles Ray
Bass goes to Indian Territory with a new crew to arrest a band of outlaw brothers.
99 cents
A Cowboy’s Christmas Carol

Charles Ray
Christmas is past, but the story of a rancher whose heart is changed by ghostly visitors is timeless.
99 cents
The Body in the Alpaca Pasture

Jerold Last
A classic whodunit mystery featuring an exotic setting, a complex murder case, and a suspenseful plot.
The Body in the Bed

Jerold Last
Visit Montevideo, Uruguay for a fast paced, action filled international mystery. Who killed the body in the bed?
$0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
The Body in the Parking Structure

Jerold Last
Can you figure out who killed the body in the parking structure before private eye Roger Bowman does? Good luck!
$0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
The Bodies by the Beltway

Jerold Last
Who is the mysterious sniper recreating the historical Beltway sniper attacks of 2002 in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia?
$0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
Ghost Walk (A Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud Mystery Book 1)

by Melissa Bowersock
The award-winning story of an ex-cop and a Navajo medium who investigate murders–by talking to the victims.
Always 99 cents.
Forging of a Knight, Rise of the Slavekeepers

Hugo Valentin Negron
Knights and heroes converge against Those That Stand in Shadow to uncover a demonic mystery, a horrid truth, and a hope to prevail!
Kindle version on sale for .99 cents from 1/5/2019-1/12/2019!
The Witch Who Cried Wolf – Permafree

Sarah Makela
A novice witch must protect herself and her crush from werewolves, but that’s easier said than done when he becomes one of them.
High Stakes
by Chad Strong
Gambling for the Highest Stakes – a Western loaded with Action, Adventure, Romance, & Courage of the Heart — in a unique Canadian setting.
B&N Nook:
Mixed Grazing
by Chad Strong
Good grazing in this pasture of 8 diverse short stories – Western, Historical, Suspense, Fantasy, Supernatural, Contemporary, Young Adult.
B&N Nook :
1. A Place to Die by E.D. Martin

A college student helps a dying man find peace while working at a hospice.
Not My Thing by E.D. Martin

A mysterious fan helps up-and-coming musician find the sense of music he’s lost within himself.
Intermittent Fasting 101: Learn how to master your hunger, melt away fat and keep it off for good! (non-fiction/self-help)

Yossif Etok
Can’t lose weight? Can’t stick to a diet? Can’t stand being hungry all the time? Intermittent fasting is the answer! Make 2019 the year that counts.
FREE until Jan 06 2019! (Normally $2.99)
Sara Barefield
Marian D. Schwartz
Sara wants this baby more than she’s ever wanted anything. She has savings of only $500 and no hope of support.
0.99 cents from 1/07/2019 to 1/11/2019
Interview with the Sphinx –(Play) by Jack Matthews. FREE! on SW until Jan 16:
Part Tom Stoppard, part Monty Python, this play about the mythical sphinx’s return combines philosophical paradoxes w/ verbal pyrotechnics.
Amadea: One Spring in France

Michelle Granas
“A quick, entertaining, wonderful story”—Amazon review. Love and unusual friendships develop in a French village.
$.99 this week (free on Kindle Unlimited)
Swans Are Fat Too

Michelle Granas
A heartwarming love story between an overweight pianist and a disinherited prince in Warsaw—an Amazon bestseller. “Original,” “beautiful.”
$.99 this week (free on Kindle Unlimited)
Zaremba, or Love and the Rule of Law

Michelle Granas
Cordelia is disabled but is forced to take action when a stranger needs her help—an Amazon bestseller set in Poland.
$.99 this week (free on Kindle Unlimited)
Exiles and Barbarians

Michelle Granas
A gentle professor, a refugee from Ukraine, discovers the strait-laced woman he loves is involved in the world’s worst business. New.
$.99 (free on Kindle Unlimited).
Mid-Life Career Rescue (Employ Yourself): How to change careers

by Cassandra Gaisford
Career expert Cassandra Gaisford (BCA, Dip Psych) provides simple but powerful and easy to implement ways to start a passion and purpose-driven business.
FREE until January 7th
Solve the Divorce Dilemma: Do You Keep Your Husband or Do You Post Him on Craigslist?

by Sonia Frontera
This empowerment guide offers you an easy and effective step-by-step method to help you GET CLEAR, GET STRONG AND GET OFF THE FENCE!
FREE until January 6th
Fifty Measly Bucks (To Save a Witch)

Juli D. Revezzo
A time travel experiment drops a college student in the middle of the life of an accused Salem witch
$.99 Until January 7th
Girl, Run!: The No-Fail Method for Breaking Narcissist Relationship Ties

by Jess DeWitt
Break the romantic bond with your narcissistic ex for good!
FREE until January 7th
Kazi Boku (Crystals of Empire Book 1)

by mark poyhonen
The Crystals of Empire is an epic series following Kazi Boku’s life in the troubled world of Starn.
FREE until January 8th
Legacy of Dolyn: Volume 2

by Amelia Guillem
The sequel to Legacy Volume 1 is finally here!
99 cents until January 31
And I Am You

Judy Mackie
A shadowy tale of three ordinary people who, in daring to crack the age-old mystery of consciousness, learn the true cost of tampering with our sense of self.
FREE from 17-21 January 2019
by Jodi LeBlanc
Do you feel frustrated, hopeless or that you’re failing your child? Maybe you really want to do more to help your child and don’t know where to begin?
FREE until January 9th

by Ellen Branson
Top 25 Delicious Low-Carb Cookies Recipes for Weight Loss and Healthy Eating
Price: 0,99
Create a Life You Love: 10 Healthy Habits to Transform Your Life Now

By Chantal Cox, MAEd
You were not created to live a mediocre life consumed by stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. It’s time to begin Creating a Life You Love.
FREE on 1/15/19
99 cents from 1/16/19-1/18/19
Regular Price is $3.99
Phantom Poetry: A collection of poems inspired by the tale of The Phantom of the Opera

Kayla Lowe
The Phantom of the Opera told from a poetic standpoint.
99 cents