Hey! I bet it’s someone’s birthday somewhere. Wouldn’t it be cool to fill their Kindle or other eReader up with some awesome new eBooks? We’ve got plenty of free and 99 cent eBooks here on Thrifty Thursday!
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West of Noreaso

Michael and Lisa Poeltl
Perfect for Halloween!
FREE today and tomorrow.
The Adventures of Deputy US Marshal Bass Reeves: The Penny Dreadful Writer

99 cents
Charles Ray
A writer from the east comes to Arkansas to write about Bass and his adventures, and becomes part of the story.
Texas Ranger J.D. Pettit: Gunplay in Garrison

99 cents
Charles Ray
Texas Ranger J.D. Pettit is sent to Garrison to help the deputy keep order when the sheriff is shot.
Hard Ride to Glenrose, Texas

99 cents
Charles Ray
A collection of western adventures by an acclaimed western author.
Jacob Blade Vigilante: A Bullet From the Vigilante

99 cents
Charles Ray
The first nine stories in the exciting vigilante series, all for one great low price.
Buffalo Soldier: Park Patrol

99 cents
Charles Ray
When Congress cuts Interior Dept. funds, the army must patrol the national parks.
Back From Chaos: Book One of Earth’s Pendulum: FREE

By: Yvonne Hertzberger
Four heroes, two romances, one traitor and one assassin – the goddess Earth needs them all to heal her power and save their world.
The Body in the Alpaca Pasture

Jerold Last
A classic whodunit mystery featuring an exotic setting, a complex murder case, and a suspenseful plot.
The Body in the Bed

$0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
Jerold Last
Visit Montevideo, Uruguay for a fast paced, action filled international mystery. Who killed the body in the bed?
The Body in the Parking Structure

$0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
Jerold Last
Can you figure out who killed the body in the parking structure before private eye Roger Bowman does? Good luck!
The Bodies by the Beltway

Jerold Last
Who is the mysterious sniper recreating the historical Beltway sniper attacks of 2002 in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia?
$0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
Queenie’s Teapot by Carolyn Steele

99c for 1 week
Satire as an antidote to political blues…what happens when ordinary people run countries?
7 FREE Short Stories for bedtime. Nik Olsen
7 FREE & strange short stories to brighten up the dark nights. They may make you laugh or make you cry – they may even make you wonder why?
Free to send to family & friends (or enemies!) Reviews please.
Aspiring, Part 1 of the Siblings’ Tale

FREE 31 Oct – 2 Nov 2019; $2.99 for the rest of November month
by Astrid V.J.
What would you do if a coven of witches murder your mother and are after you to steal your power so they can take over the kingdom? Elisabeth falls in love.
The Hearts We Break: a Sweet YA romance

New release 99cents
He’s rich He’s arrogant He’s broody He’s my new next door neighbor

.99 cents
David Lee Henley
A fast action love story with multiple adventures surrounding the lives of three unlikely characters. Two hit-men and a psychologist.

.99 cents
David Lee Henley
The continuing story from the first book starting 26 years later with the addition of a son and many more adventures and mission.
Night’s Caress: The Ancients series

99¢ to November 4, 2019
Mary Hughes
Brie Lark wants nothing to do with her hometown or vampires, but FBI Special Agent Seb Rikare needs her help on a case…in her hometown. And she’s pretty sure he’s a vampire.
Assassin’s Bite: Biting Love series

99¢ to November 4, 2019
Mary Hughes
Aiden doesn’t want to drag Sunny into his conflict. She smells and tastes like his mate, and his instincts scream to protect her. But she’s a cop and the only backup he has.
A Fool For Love & Money

Only – $0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
John D. Ottini
Love and Money are two ingredients that under the wrong circumstances can be a man’s recipe for disaster.
Beneath the Roses

Only – $0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
John D. Ottini
Everyone loves a juicy secret – but what if it’s so horrible it could destroy your life?
Prophecy and Providence: Avenging the Innocent

FREE until November 2nd
by Mark Mills
In this first installment of the Prophecy series, fiction and truth work together to tell the story of one man’s vigilante crusade against child molesters.
The Power of Professional Closeness: A Guide to Taking a Holistic Approach to Your Business

FREE until November 3rd
by Govert van Sandwijk
When you’re the decision-maker for your organization, the pressure can be enormous.
Book: Contingency Nine and Other Science Fiction Stories

5. Book is $0.99 – permanently
2. Author name: David Scholes
3. A one sentence blurb: A selection of fast paced, entertaining science fiction stories
Drama-Free Zone: How to Deal With Conflict at Work

FREE until November 6th
by Mark Baggesen
Drama is for movies, not for the workplace!
The Laziness Gene: A Guide to Overcoming Laziness and Leading a More Productive Life

$0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
by John D. Collins
Easy to read with practical tips and strategies to achieving every day. Never underestimate yourself.
1. The Amazing Kid Book of Things That Go

5. November 11-15, 2019
2. Partituki Publishers

New Release $0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
by Ann Girdharry
When a nurse is murdered, Detective David Grant recognises the hallmarks of a serial killer called Travis…

FREE on November 5th
by James A. Nannen
Whom amongst us would not love to retire well to do and with no effort? That’s what NO EFFORT RETIREMENT is about.
Book Name: Distance Learning Secrets – Study Online Without Losing Your Mind

Price: $0.99 — forever
Author name: E Danica Lovell
This short, practical handbook covers everything you need to know about perfecting your approach to distance learning.
The Dragons of Cradle: Searching for the Dragon

Free book 11/09/2019 – 11/10/2019
Kata Ksandrova
A story about a magical world, the world of dragons.
Do Good to Do Better: The Small Business Guide to Growing Your Business by Helping Nonprofits

FREE until November 9th
by Sheryl Green
As a small to medium-sized business, it’s difficult to stand out in a sea of similar businesses.
[BLOG] Starting a Successful Blog: Share Your Passion and Turn It into a Business

FREE on November 6th
by Sara K Sandhu
Starting A Successful Blog: Share your Passion and Turn It into A Business’ is a book about how to start your blog in a Step-by-Step process.
Of Reapers and Ravens (Gerhardt Detective Agency Book 1)

FREE until November 9th
by M. York
Ciel Gerhardt spends her life in a drunken haze with tavern brawls and passion-filled one night stands to keep her from dwelling too much on the past.
Broken Sky

Only .99
by David R. Beshears
A cluster of old buildings sits isolated on a desolate plain. Overhead, the sky is a smear of reds and purples, a shell enclosing the world.
November 06 – 10

.99 cents
Ted Lampron
Jack the Ripper in New York, 1891.