In the movie, “What Women Want,” Mel Gibson’s character is able to read women’s minds after he suffers an electrocution event. Is there anything electrocution can’t do? It got me wondering, wouldn’t it be nice if authors knew what reviewers want? Continue reading “What Reviewers Want (Part 1)”
Author: Stephen Hise
Thanks for a Great First Day!

What a great first day! Indies Unlimited received over one million visitors (as far as you know). Okay, but I will state affirmatively that it was some fraction of a million visitors. My Facebook author page also broke 1000 likes. To top it off my novel, UPGRADE received a great review at Book Junkie Reviews:
I want to thank everybody who stopped by and especially those who left comments. I appreciate all the support and look forward to bringing you some quality content.
I have a lot of interviews lined up with some of the great indie authors you either know or should know, and some special events and announcements forthcoming, so please check back often.
Welcome to Indies Unlimited!

Welcome one and all to Indies Unlimited, a blog for independent authors and independent readers.
The people have spoken. Nearly one percent of my Facebook fans (as well as some guy I met at a diner) all felt very strongly that I should start a blog – or at least they didn’t strongly object.
This fits well with my plans of total world domination. So now I set forth, following in the footsteps of other rich and famous bloggers like what’s-his-name and that one lady – you know the ones I mean, right? Never mind then.
Anyway, to throw you off the scent of my evil plan, this blog won’t really be about me. I want to keep you distracted by providing the very best entertainment that (no) money can buy. Here, you will find interviews with authors, reviewers and other industry bigwigs. I will continue the photo caption contests here as just a fun exercise to get your creative juices flowing. You’ll also see links, articles, reviews, memorable quotes and all kinds of things to divert and amuse you while I go through your pockets looking for loose change.
For now, it’s a one-man-show, but as soon as I stock up on duct tape and chloroform, I’ll be adding some co-bloggers. In the mean-time go ahead and snoop around. Do come back soon though.