Indie Reads – May 2015

Indies Unlimited does not review books, but we do have a couple of renowned reviewers on staff. We thought a great way to celebrate indie writing would be to ask those reviewers for their top indie picks of the month. Here are this month’s top picks from our experts:

Sacrificial Lamb Cake by Katrina Monroe 120x177Sacrificial Lamb Cake by Katrina Monroe

“If you’re up for a good laugh and some good-hearted poking of fun at organized religion, Sacrificial Lamb Cake will fill the bill.”

Read the rest of the review by BigAl.

Sacrificial Lamb Cake is available through

Gas Food Wifi by Caryn Rose 120x177Gas, Food, Wifi by Caryn Rose

“…without planning you’ll find things or “things will find you,” and even if that doesn’t happen, “the drive itself will bring you something.” From experience, I know she’s right.”

Read the rest of the review by BigAl.

Gas, Food, Wifi is available through

Elizabeths Midnight by Aaron Michael Ritchey 120x177Elizabeth’s Midnight by Aaron Michael Ritchey

“The characters are unique, charming, and the relationships have a realistic feel to them. I have to say, well done!”

Read the rest of the review by ?wazithinkin.

Elizabeth’s Midnight is available on

deadinburgh origins by Mark Wilson 120x177dEaDINBURGH Origins by Mark Wilson

“…this is an absorbing, well constructed read that really adds to the previous novels, providing depth and background to a level I don’t think I’ve come across before.”

Read the rest of the review by Keith Nixon.

dEaDINBURGH Origins is available at

The Cuckoos of Batch Magna by Peter MaughanThe Cuckoos of Batch Magna by Peter Maughan

“I swear I could hear birds singing, branches rustling and water lapping as I read. That’s how enchanting it is.”

Read the rest of the review by Cathy Speight.

The Cuckoos of Batch Magna is available through

Indie Reads – April 2015

Indies Unlimited does not review books, but we do have a couple of renowned reviewers on staff. We thought a great way to celebrate indie writing would be to ask those reviewers for their top indie picks of the month. Here are this month’s top picks from our experts:

Shadow Days by Melinda Clayton 120x177Shadow Days by Melinda Clayton

“This story gives the reader a realistic inside look at what it is like to deal with a loved one who suffers with mental illness.”

Read the rest of the review by ?wazithinkin.

Shadow Days is available through

Thomas and the Tiger Turtle 120x177 Thomas and the Tiger-Turtle by Jonathan Gould

” As always, Jonathan injects humour, charm, magic and oodles of appeal into a story.”

Read the rest of the review by Cathy Speight.

Thomas and the Tiger-Turtle is available through

Fractures by Mike Markel 120x177 Fractures by Mike Markel

“The stakes are high and makes it an excellent and credible backdrop for a murder mystery. Markel has another winner…”

Read the rest of the review by BigAl.

Fractures is available on

Breath to Breath by Carrie Maloney 120x177Breath to Breath by Brenda Vicars

“Tight prose that conveyed deep emotion and gave unique voices to a cast of characters kept me engaged throughout the story.”

Read the rest of the review by Pete Barber.

Breath to Breath is available at

The Invasion of Gaul by SJA Turney 120x177Marius’ Mules I: The Invasion of Gaul by S.J.A Turney

“…an intelligent, well researched historical fiction novel that stands head and shoulders above the run of the mill tales of this type.”

Read the rest of the review by Keith Nixon.

The Invasion of Gaul is available through

IU News Bits April No Foolin’ Edition

Indies Unlimited NewspaperWell hello, folks. It’s the end of March, and there are some things you should know, whether you like it or not.

Indies Unlimited Author Survey

There are only two days left to take the IU #PublishingFoul survey. Please check this out: it’s short, fast, easy, anonymous, doesn’t require a log-in, and even if you’ve never been scammed, please answer the first two questions. And boom, you’re done.

Spiffy New Server

You may have noticed Indies Unlimited is now loading lightning fast. You’re welcome. In order to escape the server slowdown experienced by thousands of websites, we moved IU over to a new server. Now we can proudly say, “IU is all like BAM!” Because of those server troubles, some votes may not have registered in our #PublishingFoul survey. Please stop by the survey and check to make sure that yours have. If you see this:VOTED #PublisherFoul surveythen your vote registered. If you see this:NOT VOTED #PublishingFoul Surveythen it did not – and please do vote. We don’t ever ask for much, do we?

Subscriber Emails

Recently, some people have unsubscribed from the newsletter (blasphemy! how dare they?!), claiming that we send too many emails. The newsletter only goes out once per day (we even send it manually now to make sure it doesn’t misfire), so if you are receiving more than one, that means you’ve subscribed to posts via WordPress. If you want to stop receiving those each time a new post goes live, it’s easy to unsubscribe. At the bottom of the email, you will see:unsubscribe via wordpressJust click unsubscribe, and you’re good to go. Make sure to subscribe to the IU Newsletter, though!

New Resource Pages

We’re always trying to add resource pages to fill the needs of authors. This past quarter, we added one with a list of places to find Beta Readers as well as Legal Resources for Authors. You can find a list of all our resource pages listed at the top of the KnowledgeBase.

Just Ask Us

That’s right, we’re here nearly 24/7 – and all for free. (Crazy, isn’t it?) We work overtime to get the answers you need to those pressing questions, such as: What the heck is a meatgrinder? How do I format for Createspace? And, why has no one ever seen Big Al and Hugh Howey together at the same time? (Suspicious, isn’t it?) In any case, drop us a line via the contact form with what you need to know about writing and publishing and we’ll get back to you, either with a link to an article we’ve got on hand or, with a brand new article written by one of the expert minions on staff. If you wish to remain anonymous, we can do that. No one will get your name out of us. We’re plenty accustomed to torture. So don’t be shy! Ask away.

Flash Fiction Challenge/Anthology Update

Yes, we’re hard at work on the 2014 Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Anthology. That should be released soon. And don’t forget, the rules have changed for the 2015 Flash Fiction Challenges. We’ve implemented a panel of judges to select the top entries before public voting. Read more about the 2015 rule changes here, and don’t forget – you can’t win if you don’t enter!

Summer Schedule

As weekend traffic slows down for summer fun, IU will be going to a new schedule. Beginning in April, we will be running only two features on Friday through Monday, which means that some of your favorites may move. Make sure to subscribe to the IU newsletter so you don’t miss any!

Thanks again for being a part of Indies Unlimited. Don’t forget, you can show your support by sharing our articles, telling your friends about us, and if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can always make a donation. Happy Writing!

Indie Reads – March 2015

Indies Unlimited does not review books, but we do have a couple of renowned reviewers on staff. We thought a great way to celebrate indie writing would be to ask those reviewers for their top indie picks of the month. Here are this month’s top picks from our experts:

The Body Market by DV Berkom 120x177The Body Market by DV Berkom

“[Berkom] manages to inch your derrière right onto the edge of your seat and keep it there from page one through to the very end…”

Read the rest of the review by Cathy Speight.

The Body Market is available through

The Glasgow Grin by Martin Stanley 120x177 The Glasgow Grin by Martin Stanley

“…a belter of novel with a crashing narrative, bloody and sweary from the first page and doesn’t let up until the final pages.”

Read the rest of the review by Keith Nixon.

The Glasgow Grin is available through

Conjure Womans Cat by Malcolm R Campbell 120x177 Conjure Woman’s Cat by Malcolm R. Campbell

“…a realistic and moving story that will break your heart but then try to make you whole again.”

Read the rest of the review by ?wazithinkin.

Conjure Woman’s Cat is available on

Polarity in Motion by Brenda Vicars 120x177Polarity in Motion by Brenda Vicars

“…a tale that is tension filled, with well developed, realistic characters, and a protagonist that everyone should love.”

Read the rest of the review by BigAl.

Polarity in Motion is available at

retaliation by imogen rose 120x177Retaliation by Imogen Rose

“The complexity of the world and plot, plus the intensity of the conflict continues ramping up.”

Read the rest of the review by BigAl.

Retaliation is available through