Mary Smith Announces New Release

Author Mary Smith is pleased to announce the release of her new non-fiction book, Drunk Chickens and Burnt Macaroni.

Drunk Chickens and Burnt Macaroni: Real Stories of Afghan Women provides a remarkable insight into the lives of the women in Afghanistan with whom the author lived and worked. Despite the many hardships in their lives they are not all hopeless downtrodden victims but women of courage, determined to make the best of life for themselves and their children.

Readers are taken on a journey from the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif to the remote mountainous region of Hazara Jat, allowing them to get to know – and care about – the women as they deal with djinn, health classes, life and love.

Drunk Chickens and Burnt Macaroni was released on 11/24/2012 by Indigo Dreams Publishing and is available through and Amazon UK.

Barbara Ebel Announces New Release

Author Barbara Ebel is pleased to announce the release of her new children’s book, My Brother Buck.

Chester the Chesapeake Book Four: My Brother Buck, explores the complexities of a stray dog abandoned in Chester’s neighborhood. Despite all attempts to find his owner, the dog is rendered homeless unless Chester and his family take him in. Through Chester’s point of view, his wise nature, and the fabulous real pictures that the books are illustrated with, we learn just how unique the new dog is. But then again, as is the case with children and their parents, Chester and each of his dog brothers is unique and special in the eyes of their “Mom.”

My Brother Buck was released on November 1, 2012 and is available through, Amazon UK, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble.