Meet Melissa (A.K.A., Miss Melvis). She’s the force behind the book blog, Me, Bookshelf and I.
“I’ve been a book lover for as long as I can remember and developed a love for all things chick lit in my late teens,” she says. “My friend suggested blogging at the beginning of 2013. We set up a joint venture for a short while but we were heading in different directions with our writing/subject matter, so I decided to set up Me, Bookshelf and I. I love reviewing books and I love writing, my blog is the perfect place for me to do both.”
Melissa has also just started writing her own debut novel, but says, “Between working full time, blogging, reading and everything else, I imagine it will be a long while before it hits the shelves.” Continue reading “Book Blogger Spotlight: Me, Bookshelf and I”