From the Mail Room: LCCNs for New Editions

mail-room-author-emails-office-899351_960_720A reader sent in this question:

I am leaving my publisher and going indie with my debut book. I’ve a new ISBN and imprint. Can I use the same LCCN number?

Here’s the answer from our awesome team of authors:

Your current LCCN number will stay with your publisher’s edition, even if it is out-of-print. That means it’ll be cataloged in the LOC (Library of Congress) under your old publisher, and if it’s out of print, that’s not going to help you with libraries, stores, etc. With a change of publisher (including you as the publisher), you will need a new LCCN. Just remember, you can only get an LCCN prior to a book’s publication – and if it’s a new edition (2nd, 3rd, etc.), you can apply for a LCCN.

Here is a link you may find helpful:

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