Indie Reads – February 2015

Indies Unlimited does not review books, but we do have a couple of renowned reviewers on staff. We thought a great way to celebrate indie writing would be to ask those reviewers for their top indie picks of the month. Here are this month’s top picks from our experts:

The Reach of the Banyan Tree by Mark W Sasse 120x177The Reach of the Banyan Tree by Mark W. Sasse

“…a powerful story that examines a romance stretched to the absolute maximum by tragedy, culture and history.”

Read the rest of the review by Cathy Speight.

The Reach of the Banyan Tree is available through

The Ribs and Thigh Bones of Desire by Sandra Hutchison 120x177 The Ribs and Thigh Bones of Desire by Sandra Hutchison

“…entertaining all readers while providing grist for the mill to those who are looking for something deeper.”

Read the rest of the review by BigAl.

The Ribs and Thigh Bones of Desire is available through

Homeowner with a Gun by Samuel Hawley 120x177Homeowner with a Gun by Samuel Hawley

“From an unlikely beginning, the novel grows and develops into an action-packed, well-written thriller..”

Read the rest of the review by Pete Barber.

Homeowner with a Gun is available on

Heads You Lose by Rob Johnson 120x177Heads You Lose by Rob Johnson

“…a highly entertaining, well-constructed screwball comedy that is as enjoyable as it is well written..”

Read the rest of the review by Keith Nixon.

Heads You Lose is available at

They Call Me Crazy by Kelly Stone Gamble 120x177They Call Me Crazy by Kelly Stone Gamble

“…an entertaining read that pulled me in and kept me reading till my eyes wouldn’t stay open any longer.”

Read the rest of the review by ?wazithinkin.

They Call Me Crazy is available through

Indie Reads – January 2015

Indies Unlimited does not review books, but we do have a couple of renowned reviewers on staff. We thought a great way to celebrate indie writing would be to ask those reviewers for their top indie picks of the month. Here are this month’s top picks from our experts:

Bad Traffick 120x177Bad Traffick by DV Berkom

” Utterly gripping, compelling, edge-of-your seat writing. … Highly recommend.”

Read the rest of the review by Cathy Speight.

Bad Traffick is available through

all the butterflies in the world by rodney jones 120x177 All the Butterflies in the World by Rodney Jones

“…the end of this book caught me off-guard. It’s not very often that happens. Kudos to Rodney Jones for a wonderful adventure…”

Read the rest of the review by ?wazithinkin.

All the Butterflies in the World is available through

Groovy Kind of Love by Karen Wojcik Berner 120x177A Groovy Kind of Love by Karen Wojcik Berner

“It’s a classic case of opposites attracting, with each learning from the other and in the process tempering their more extreme tendencies for the better.”

Read the rest of the review by BigAl.

A Groovy Kind of Love is available on

The God Particle by Daniel Danser 120x177The God Particle by Daniel Danser

“Author Daniel Danser expertly knits recent historical events into a sci-fi thriller that will keep readers at the edge of their seats.”

Read the rest of the review by Michael Thal.

The God Particle is available at

The Shadows Call by Matt Hilton 120x177The Shadows Call by Matt Hilton

“Nothing is quite as it seems and in the last quarter Hilton turns the whole story on its head.”

Read the rest of the review by Keith Nixon.

The Shadows Call is available through

Indie Reads – November 2014

Indies Unlimited does not review books, but we do have a couple of renowned reviewers on staff. We thought a great way to celebrate indie writing would be to ask those reviewers for their top indie picks of the month. Here are this month’s top picks from our experts:

The Spark by John Kenny Indie PickThe Spark by John Kenny

“There’s everything in this book…  If there’s one book you need to read this year, it’s this one.”

Read the rest of the review by Cathy Speight.

The Spark is available through

Early Daze Indie PickEarly Daze by Jennifer Gilby Roberts

“…deeply expressed raw emotion, believable dialogue; all lightened by a smattering of the strange humor ….”

Read the rest of the review by Pete Barber.

Early Daze is available through

Game Changer Indie PickGame Changer by Beth Orsoff

“A fun story with great characters.”

Read the rest of the review by BigAl.

Game Changer is available on

Kiss Me Dancer Indie PickKiss Me, Dancer by Alicia & Roy Street

“Family dynamics play a huge part in this heartwarming tale of two people that are really easy to care about.”

Read the rest of the review by ?wazithinkin.

Kiss Me, Dancer is available at

Reckoning  Indie PickReckoning by Vincent M Wales

“Reckoning is an outstanding book to wile away the hours watching Dinah’s powers transform her into a metahuman…”

Read the rest of the review by Michael Thal.

Reckoning is available through

Indie Reads – October 2014

Indies Unlimited does not review books, but we do have a couple of renowned reviewers on staff. We thought a great way to celebrate indie writing would be to ask those reviewers for their top indie picks of the month. Here are this month’s top picks from our experts:

Don't Tell Anyone 120x177Don’t Tell Anyone by Laurie Boris

“…impeccable character portrayal and beautifully conceived story…poignant, sad, shocking even…”

Read the rest of the review by Cathy Speight.

Don’t Tell Anyone is available through

The Genuine, Imitation, Plastic Kidnapping 120x177The Genuine, Imitation, Plastic Kidnapping by Les Edgerton

“Edgerton has produced a rip-roaring story of back stabbing and screw ups laced with plenty of black humour…”

Read the rest of the review by Keith Nixon.

The Genuine, Imitation, Plastic Kidnapping is available on

No Perfect Secret 120x177No Perfect Secret by Jackie Weger

“The mystery that surrounds her husband’s demise is revealed slowly, like multiple layers of skin being stripped from an onion.”

Read the rest of the review by Pete Barber.

No Perfect Secret is available at

Dark Witness 120x177Dark Witness by Rebecca Forster

“Hannah and Billy flee from one dangerous situation, only to fall into another. What that is and how it resolves is quite a ride.”

Read the rest of the review by BigAl.

Dark Witness is available through

The Road to Nowhere 120x177The Road to Nowhere by Shana Hammaker

“There are lessons to be learned here in this clever skillfully told and at times frightening story.”

Read the rest of the review by ?wazithinkin.

The Road to Nowhere is available through