Meet Indies Unlimited fan, Donna McNicol. She sends us a picture with her first cup of coffee in her brand spanking new Indies Unlimited coffee mug. She says she had to order it as soon as they were offered.
Donna writes, “Indies Unlimited is my first read of the day. No matter my current state of mind or the chaos around me, I always find something that will help me with my writing passion. Excellent articles, great tips on self-promotion and staff that makes me feel like a good friend. I feel at home when I visit here. I can picture us all sitting around a cozy fireplace, enjoying our conversation and coffee.”
Donna is a former freelance non-fiction writer who has decided to dabble in the world of fiction. She is currently enjoying writing flash fiction for her blog and is working on two novels, a chick-lit romance and a cozy mystery. She also writes erotica under the pen name of Marie H. Douglas.
You can learn more about Donna from her website and blog. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
Thank you, Donna!
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