We are pleased to announce that author Kathy Rowe has been added to the staff here at Indies Unlimited. Kathy is a prolific multi-genre author who has been writing for more than twenty years. She also has more than twenty years of active military service to her credit. She has been stationed at various bases around the U.S.A. and in Europe. Even more important than her military experience is the fact that she is also a farm girl. This unique combination of military experience and farming acumen makes her the perfect choice to help with my tractor beam.
Kathy now lives in eastern Kentucky with her husband, two dogs, two cats, and three horses on a 100 acre farm. She does her best to juggle farm chores, haymaking, writing, book formatting, and animal care into her busy day. Once in a while she gets to go fishing or take a nice walk by the creek. If it would ever stop raining, she’d like to saddle up once in a while and go for a ride. She loves interacting with her fans, and appreciates all reviews and feedback.
You can find more information in her Blog, Facebook Page, Twitter, and Amazon Author’s page.
More important than all this though, is this special announcement:
Today is Kathy Rowe’s Birthday!
So wish her a happy birthday and welcome her aboard. Somebody cut the cake while I run downstairs to look for another set of keyboard manacles.