Video Trailer: Next Move, You’re Dead by Linda L. Barton

Homicide Detective John Cooper has always followed the evidence to solve any case until a mysterious caller makes him question that evidence. The murder cases he’s working on are already solved, so John wonders what the phone calls have to do with them. The evidence proves the guilt of those involved, but the calls make him start to question the evidence and himself – for the first time in his career.

Linda L. Barton’s suspense thriller, Next Move,You’re Dead, is available from, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.



Video Trailer: The Fishing Trip by Ey Wade

When do you cross the line from being the ‘hero’ to becoming the monster? Growing up as an abused child, Durham killed his abuser at the age of ten. He now considers himself to be an avenger of stolen innocence. With the help of Penny Brooks and the unsuspecting aid of the local sheriff, he returns to Shiningbal and confronts those who destroyed the lives of young children. In doing so he exposes a secret and sets off a chain of events that causes more chaos than he ever thought possible.

Ey Wade’s thriller, The Fishing Trip, is available from, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iTunes and Smashwords.



Video Trailer: Forbidden Territory

Four teenagers embark on a geo-caching expedition into New Zealand’s native bush expecting a long weekend filled with flirtatious fun; instead secrets are exposed as they stumble across a hidden marijuana crop and its gun-wielding watchmen. Forced apart they spend the next forty-eight hours racing blindly in opposite directions as they fight to find each other before the hunters do.

Forbidden Territory, the young adult action/adventure romance by Melissa Pearl and Brenda Howson, is available from, Amazon UK and Smashwords.



Video Trailer: Joe Café by JD Mader

The murder at Joe Café is an abomination. It stops the entire universe. For Michael, it tarnishes everything, including his badge. For Chet and his hostage, it is the beginning of a chase that will lead them through dingy motels and the darkest corridors of their minds. Dogan just wants Sara back. Jimmy the Cat wants to make up for all the time he has wasted. Frankie wants to live a ‘moral’ life, erasing everyone in his path who does not live up to his standards. Conventional notions of good and evil quickly blur as they are all forced to look into the mirrors they have avoided for so long. Chilling and horrifying, whimsical and wretched, Joe Café’s cast of broken characters try to find their way in a world they never understood to begin with…for the Chens, it is easy. They are dead.

Joe Café by JD Mader is available from
