Me? I enjoy being a whale. I know, some of the other cetaceans have a few issues. Every once in a while, some poor schlub decides to end it all and tosses himself up on a beach somewhere.
I’m more easy-going about it. To me, life is good. Water’s nice—all the krill you can eat. What’s to stress over?
I don’t usually do this tourist-boat schtick, but mating season started a little early for my friend Wally, and he asked me to cover for him.
It’s not exactly challenging. Man, these people are really easily impressed. I’m thinking maybe I’ll do something a little different than Wally’s usual routine. See that lady over there with the camera and the little white dog? Watch this…
In 250 words or less, tell me a story incorporating the elements in the picture. The 250 word limit will be strictly enforced.
Please keep language and subject matter to a PG-13 level. Continue reading “Week 25 Flash Fiction Challenge: The Whale’s Tale”