Dwight shrugged and asked, “So, what is it?”
Seeing his big brother didn’t quite get it, Dewey explained, “It’s our new huntin’ blind. Ain’t it perfect?”
Dwight sighed. “How is it perfect, Dewey? If we can see it, don’t you think the elk might see it too?”
Dewey’s enthusiasm temporarily dimmed as he considered this. Then he snapped his fingers and said, “But it’s been out here a long time and they is probbly used to it.”
Dwight arched his eyebrows and decided maybe that made sense after all. They clambered inside to check it out. As they jostled about trying to get comfortable and disputing where their various supplies would go, the grizzly bear that had been watching the whole thing decided to pay a visit to these aspiring neighbors…
Welcome to the Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. In 250 words or less, write a Continue reading “Flash Fiction Challenge: The Blind”