Book Showcase: Dying for a Living

Dying for a Living by Kory M. ShrumDying for a Living
by Kory M. Shrum
Genres: Urban/Contemporary Fantasy
Rating: 4.3 star average from 444 reviews
Available from Amazon.comAmazon UK, and most major online retailers.

On the morning before her sixty-seventh death, it is business as usual for Jesse Sullivan: meet with the mortician, counsel soon-to-be-dead clients, and have coffee while reading the latest regeneration theory. Jesse dies for a living, literally. As a Necronite, she is one of the population’s rare two percent who can serve as a death replacement agent, dying so others don’t have to. Although each death is different, the result is the same: a life is saved, and Jesse resurrects days later with sore muscles, new scars, and another hole in her memory.

But when Jesse is murdered and becomes the sole suspect in a federal investigation, more than her freedom and sanity are at stake. She must catch the killer herself — or die trying.

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