As we near the end of another year we find ourselves in the throes of the holiday season. Of course, everyone has a lot to do to prepare. After all, dear old Aunt Trudy couldn’t possibly find one of those precious porcelain pigs with her dubious internet skills.
Soon you’ll be either traveling or preparing to receive guests. That means moving all the boxes of stuff you meant to take to Goodwill someday from the guest room to the garage. Or it could mean buying new luggage because your old luggage is somewhere behind a mountain of boxes of stuff you meant to take to Goodwill someday.
And what about those holiday recipes you’ve been meaning to try out? Yes, you’ll need some kind of butter they don’t sell at a regular grocery store and several fruits with unpronounceable names that look like parasites that might fall off an alien.
This all happens in company with your regular work and household chores. You still have to fill your space in the cubicle farm as well as milk the chickens and slop the kids.
It can all be overwhelming. We understand everyone is a little preoccupied right now. It’s easy to forget about your good old buddies here at Indies Unlimited. You know, the site you go to for FREE helpful tips, publishing and marketing insights, nifty tutorials, honing your flash-fiction chops, and to post your free or discount books for others to see?
If you have found our site useful – if we’ve brought you a laugh or an idea or a useful tidbit – we’d appreciate it if you’d think about chucking a couple of bucks in the old PayPal tip jar over in the right sidebar. Easy-peasy. No browsing through pages of content to find the one porcelain pig we don’t have. No cleaning out the guest room.
Thanks in advance. We now return you to your regular programming. Happy holidays to everyone.
Just a reminder to our readers that this is all volunteer driven. No one gets paid. And there are expenses. So your support will be much appreciated.
I can’t resist. I have grown Buddha’s Hand citron. You can see pictures in my last book, Bountiful Bonsai. I’ve also made wine from these and that will be discussed in my forthcoming book from Storey Publishing, Wild Winemaking. Happy holidays everyone.
Excellent reminder, Stephen. IU is such a big part of every day, it’s easy to forget how much it takes to keep it going. I’ll kick in right now.