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The Marshal and the Madam: The Adventures of Bass Reeves, Deputy U.S. Marshal – Volume 2
Charles Ray
Bass and Belle Starr were friends, but then he was given a warrant for her arrest.

Fatal Encounter: The Adventures of Bass Reeves, Deputy U.S. Marshal
Charles Ray
Bass goes up against Tom Dozier, the most dangerous outlaw in Indian Territory.

Wagons West: Trinity: Daniel’s Journey, Volume 2
Charles Ray
Daniel and his new home town in Oregon experience growing pains

Wagons West: Daniel’s Journey
Charles Ray
Daniel and his family head west to Oregon by wagon train

The Shaman’s Curse: The Adventures of Bass Reeves, Deputy U.S. Marshal – Volume 3
Charles Ray
When Bass arrests an old Indian medicine man, the man puts a curse on him.

Free Tools for Writers, Bloggers and Solopreneurs
by Karen Banes
Are you running a freelance business, blog, website or other online business on a shoestring budget? This short, high-value ebook will point you in the direction of free apps, software and online tools to help with productivity, organization, social media management, content creation, and much more.
Always 99 cents!
Zaremba, or Love and the Rule of Law
Michelle Granas
Cordelia is disabled but is forced to take action when a stranger needs her help—an Amazon bestseller set in Poland.
$.99 this week (free with Kindle Unlimited)
Swans Are Fat Too
Michelle Granas
A heartwarming love story between an overweight pianist and a disinherited prince in Warsaw—an Amazon bestseller. “Original,” “beautiful.”
$.99 this week (free with Kindle Unlimited)
Amadea: One Spring in France
Michelle Granas
“A quick, entertaining, wonderful story”—Amazon review. Love and unusual friendships develop in a French village.
$.99 this week (free with Kindle Unlimited)
Back From Chaos: Book One of Earth’s Pendulum: FREE

By: Yvonne Hertzberger
Four heroes, two romances, one traitor and one assassin – the goddess Earth needs them all to heal her power and save their world.

By Richard Bard
A sudden-savant, his days numbered, his loved ones at risk – “A terrifically entertaining thriller!” -Publishers Weekly
Free on Amazon
I like this book and would enjoy reading it.
Ghost Walk (A Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud Mystery Book 1)

by Melissa Bowersock
An ex-cop and a Navajo medium investigates murders–by talking to the victims.
Always 99 cents.
Just Think about It
Peg Tittle
Think pieces about climate change as entertainment, slutwalks, parent licensing …
Apr26/18 – May02/18
Blood Bond

by Susan Leigh Noble
The dragons believe man and dragon must reunite to defeat the invading army, but can Soren overcome his past to bring the two together?
Free on Amazon thru April 29.
“World of Shawn”

by Jordan M Ehrlich
A lonely boy writes a game that’s too realistic, that gets him & friends in major trouble. He must fix & save the World! YA sci-fi/fantasy
$0.99 4/26-5/2
The Island Game: The Inside Story of Seaward Isle
Joni Parker
Journalist Olivia Richards unveils the true story behind the Elf island.
99 cents
The Body in the Alpaca Pasture

Jerold Last
A classic whodunit mystery featuring an exotic setting, a complex murder case, and a suspenseful plot.
The Body in the Bed

Jerold Last
Visit Montevideo, Uruguay for a fast paced, action filled international mystery. Who killed the body in the bed?
$0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
The Bodies by the Beltway

Jerold Last
Who is the mysterious sniper recreating the historical Beltway sniper attacks of 2002 in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia?
$0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
The Body in the Parking Structure

Jerold Last
Can you figure out who killed the body in the parking structure before private eye Roger Bowman does? Good luck!
$0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
A.I. Insurrection – The General’s War

Michael Poeltl
2162, artificial intelligence claims sentience, but is it the proof which will divide the world and usher in the end of utopia?
The Juncture
by Bruce Fottler
Gary Olstrom has only hours to stop something that will irreparably damage the future of everyone he knows and loves.
$0.99 spring special on Kobo

By Sean Henderson
His obsession with a mysterious AI woman leads a future industrial spy into immense danger.
Free on Amazon – April 27-28
Mary Flora Bell: The Horrific True Story Behind An Innocent Girl Serial Killer

by Nancy Veysey & Ryan Becker
What can drive a young and seemingly innocent child to kill?
FREE until April 28th
Biarritz Passion: French Summer Novel Book 1

Laurette Long
Suspense and slow burn romance in this page-turner set in exotic Basque country ‘beautifully written by a master story teller’
$0.99 or free on Kindle Unlimited
The Passage of Desire: French Summer Novels Prequel
Laurette Long
‘Top Reads of 2017’ Areadersreviewblog The family saga continues. ‘The settings…powerfully reflect the emotional journey of the characters’
$0.99 or free on Kindle Unlimited
The Outlaws of Kratzenfels

by M. Jonathan Jones
Orphaned. Exiled. Imprisoned. And now her father’s murderer wants to marry her. Princess Helda of Kratzenfels is having a bad day.
$0.99 on Kindle (FREE on Kindle Unlimited).

Victor Deckard
Fast-paced action-packed urban-fantasy novella with some horror themes.
Always $0.99!
Ship Economics: Surviving The Age Of AI

by Not Woodrow Wilson
FREE until April 28th
Investing In Rental Properties for Rental Property Profits in Florida Real Estate

by Brian Mahoney
Quickly locate the Best Cheapest Low Cost Wholesale Commercial & Residential Rental Property in Florida
FREE until April 30th
The Imposter Syndrome Remedy A 30-day Action Plan to Stop Feeling Like a Fraud

by E V Estacio
Embrace challenge, unleash your self-confidence, and recognize your true worth!
FREE until April 30th
Legacy of Dolyn – Volume 1

By Amelia Guillem
Unparalleled Sorcery of a Sorceress!
99 cents
Girl On Purpose: How To Help Your Girl Build Self-Confidence

by Danielle Fuligni McKay
Build your girl’s self-confidence and set her on a path to believing in her ability to be or do anything she wants.
FREE until May 2nd
The Greatest Humans

by Leon Cameron
Greg Vance is a hapless millennial, deep in college debt and with no job to his name who gets tangled up with the FBI.
FREE until May 4th
Personality Traits of Most Successful People: Pathway to Personal Development and Succcess

by Philip Clark
We will be looking at some of the most important personality traits and habits that defines a person.
FREE until May 5th