Mr. Pish Swims Oceans Near and Far for Free eBooks!
There’s nothing like good eBooks priced affordably, and we’ve got a bunch right here for you! They’re all either free or 99 cents, so tell all your friends! Yeah, I know, we’re really good to you!
Readers: look in the comment section below. If you see one you like, click over and buy it. How easy is that? (If you don’t see the book covers, adjust your browser’s adblock settings.)
It’s that time again…time to choose your favorite flash fiction story of the week! It’s all up to you now – only one can win Flash Fiction Readers’ Choice Champion honors. It’s super easy – choose your favorite and cast your vote below.
Check out this week’s entries here. Make your decision, then come back to THIS page and click the gray circle next to the person’s name. Scroll down to the vote button which will turn blue, and then click it. Please then use those share buttons at the bottom of the post to spread the word.Attention Authors: It is okay if you ask people to vote for you!
Voting polls close Thursday at 5 PM Pacific time. If the poll doesn’t close on time, any votes received after 5 pm will be removed.
REMINDER – entries over the 250 limit are disqualified.
Which "Infinity" Flash Fiction Story Gets Your Vote?
Ken Talley (27%, 4 Votes)
Bill Engleson (13%, 2 Votes)
Lou Silvestri (13%, 2 Votes)
Amy Kaplan (13%, 2 Votes)
Dick Waters (7%, 1 Votes)
Kevin P. Michaels (7%, 1 Votes)
Roger Woodcock (7%, 1 Votes)
Judith Garcia (7%, 1 Votes)
Leigh Kimmel (7%, 1 Votes)
Sanhita Mukherjee (0%, 0 Votes)
Tim Heartwood (0%, 0 Votes)
Steven M Stucko (0%, 0 Votes)
Joshua Lee Stemple (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 15
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NOTE: Entrants whose submissions exceed the 250 word limit will be disqualified even if they win. ONE VOTE PER PERSON, please. Duplicate votes will be deleted. The results displayed above are unofficial until verified by administration.
There isn’t a corner of the world the Coronavirus hasn’t hit (well, maybe Antarctica) and now millions of people are stuck at home with nothing to do. Some are diehard readers, and others choose to binge watch stuff on Netflix or another online platform. For many people the social isolation is too much to bear. They can’t figure out how to productively pass the time. And then there are those of us who spend much of our year in social isolation, and this is just business as usual.
Smashwords has set out to ease the pain of isolation. They’re holding a sitewide Author Give Back program that lasts from March 20 to May 31. Authors can enroll some, or all, of their books, and those can either be listed as free, or you can set a discounted price. I’ve been a part of Smashwords for many years, and each time they have an event like Christmas in July or another promotion, I’ve always enrolled my books and short stories. Readers can find the sale books here. This is a good, free way to get your books promoted. But do you make money off giving away books? Yes, you do! Continue reading “When the Reading Audience is Captive”
Ed Cooke is the Readers’ Choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. The winning entry is decided by the popular vote and rewarded with a special feature here today. (This week there was a tie, and the writer who submitted an entry first is the winner per our rules.) Without further ado, here’s the winning story: