Jasha Levi introduces 2nd Edition of The Last Exile

Author Jasha Levi



The original edition of The Last Exile came out in November 2009. The sequel, Requiem for a Country, (November 2011), covered my life from a more defined geopolitical prospective; it also included footnotes and annotation, making the work both an adventure story and a textbook about the history of the 20th Century.

The two works now complete my project of telling every pertinent detail and discussing every pertinent controversy surround-ing the Jews and non-Jews from Sarajevo post WWI to Italy in WWII, from Spain of yore to America today. Continue reading “Jasha Levi introduces 2nd Edition of The Last Exile

Successful Self Publishing Anthology: Call for Submissions

Shoshanna Evers, #1 Amazon Authorship Bestselling Author, is putting together an anthology titled: Successful Self Publishing: How We Do It (and How You Can Too!). This call for submissions is open to any self-published author, including traditionally published authors who are also self-publishing.

How did you find success as a self-published author? The goal of this anthology is to give pre-published writers and authors considering self-publishing the inspiration and advice to help them start on their own path to self-publishing success.

Contributors will receive $20 and a free Smashwords coupon to download the anthology upon its release.

The deadline for submissions is May 21, 2012.  For more information, please visit the website.

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Indies Unlimited Gear Sale!

IU T-Shirt!If you act fast, you can be cool, suave and attractive in our Indies Unlimited Gear at a whopping 50% discount!

Today only, get your Indies Unlimited T-shirts and mugs at 50% off.  The super top secret code you need is SPRINGEMAILS. Don’t use the code they give you on the site – you’ll only get 25% if you do.

So be super cool like our Fan of the Week – Donna B. McNicol and get your gear today!

Indies Unlimited Enters the Independent Book Blogger Awards

IBBAYou can vote for Indies Unlimited to win the Publishing Industry category in the Independent Book Blogger Awards starting Tuesday, April 10th, and ending Monday, April 23rd.

Now I know a lot of you are thinking, “Doesn’t Indies Unlimited win the highly prestigious and totally made-up Stevie awards every year? When will it ever be enough?”

This is true. We do win the Stevie every year, and though it is early in the season, I’m hearing good buzz and figure we’re probably a shoe-in again this year. This is largely due to the high-quality content provided and the fact that we are the only blog eligible for the Stevie—but mostly due to the high-quality content.

Still, I suppose it would be nice to receive recognition from elsewhere. Plus, I want Brooks to win that trip to New York so she can finally shove Donald Trump’s love-child in his face.

So, if you feel the same way I do (and who doesn’t), just click here to see our entry and to vote!  As always, I thank you for your support.

Vote here.