New Year, New Releases

Happy New Year! Here are five new releases to kick off 2014.

Christmas Camouflage Some Christmas Camouflage by Elisabeth Grace Foley

On a snowy December evening during the Depression, a college student decides to do some spying on a quiet classmate with unexpected results.

Some Christmas Camouflage is available through, Smashwords, and Amazon UK.


Perfect Player 120x177The Perfect Player by Devon Winterson

A forbidden tryst exposes a threat and sets a secret plan in motion, and twenty-year-old Marisa discovers her life is all a lie. . .

The Perfect Player is available through and Amazon UK.


JoyaFields_SidelinedAfterlife_300Sidelined Afterlife by Joya Fields

She hates her psychic gift. He needs to get rid of a ghost. Falling in love surprises them. SIDELINED AFTERLIFE.

Sidelined Afterlife is available at, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon UK.


brandful workplace 120x177The Brandful Workforce by Julia Gometz

Learn how your workforce can work FOR your brand, rather than against it. Engage employees as valuable brand ambassadors.

The Brandful Workforce is available at and Amazon UK.


swimming upstream 120x177Swimming Upstream by Ruth Mancini

Swimming Upstream is a life-affirming and often humorous story about friendship, love, and a young woman’s pursuit of happiness.

Swimming Upstream is available at, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon UK.


How Indies Unlimited Works

Indies Unlimited LogoOver the short time since its inception, Indies Unlimited has become one of the most heavily trafficked websites for people interested in indie writing, publishing, marketing, and reading.

Naturally, this means we encounter a lot of new folks who have never seen anything quite like Indies Unlimited and who don’t know quite what to make of it.

We thought it might be nice to provide a sort of guided tour, so people could get a better handle on what our site is about, what we do, and what we don’t do. Continue reading “How Indies Unlimited Works”

Happy Holidays from Indies Unlimited

An Indie Holiday Song

People reading on a Kindle Fire
Nook or Sony or Kobo
Indie books being read and admired
We hope our author rankings grow

Everybody knows some interviews and book promos
Help to make the backlist move
Book reviews with their stars all aglow
Might convince some readers to approve

They know that clock is ticking down
When that Kindle Countdown’s over, they will frown
And every author is gonna sigh
Because Amazon drones don’t really fly

And so we’ve parodied this simple song
For writers whether old or new
Although it’s been said many times
Many ways, happy holidays to you

We at indies Unlimited wish you a safe and happy holiday season. May 2014 be your best year yet. Keep writing!

Just in Time Releases

And here they are! Just in time for the holidays, five new releases for your perusing pleasure.

The Way Home by Carol Holland March

A collection of stories with protagonists seeking their true home, whether a place or a relationship. Reality and fantasy entwine.

The Way Home is available through and Amazon UK.


Awakening in the Northwest Territories by Alastair Henry

When Alastair went north to live in a remote First Nations community, cultural differences and a cold environment transformed his life.

Awakening in the Northwest Territories is available through and Amazon UK.


The Puppet Kingdom by Meridel Newton

Fairy tales can take the form of human beings, but someone is trying to erase stories from existence. Red must save the tales – and herself.

The Puppet Kingdom is available at and Amazon UK.


Second Life by RJ Crayton

Captive Susan Harper needs help from a mysterious stranger to discover the truth of her kidnapping and help her escape before it’s too late.

Second Life is available at, Smashwords, and Amazon UK.


Laying Claim by Paty Jager

Jeremy Duncan leaves Skagway in the middle of a blizzard to keep one strong-willed, business-minded beauty alive.

Laying Claim is available at, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon UK.