Ressa Empbra Announces New Release

Caught in the Dragon CoveAuthor Ressa Empbra is pleased to announce the release of her new science fiction fantasy book, Caught in the Dragon Cove.

Working for a covert government agency, Iax travels the world—and beyond. She also journeys out of this world to other Realms in various Dimensions, of which only a privileged few know. Her job: Putting a halt to imminent battles and wars—before it’s too late. Finding herself in a heated battle in the Dragon Cove Realm of the Dragon Dimension, Iax assumes the usual; get in, get the job done, get out. Easy-peasy. This mission is like no other, however, as it will change her life in ways she never could have imagined. Get Caught in the Dragon Cove where secrets and tempting passions lurking just out of sight, will be revealed.

Caught in the Dragon Cove was published on September 19, 2012 by Theressa M. Branham and is available exclusively on and Amazon UK as an e-book.

3rd Annual Avondale Writer’s Conference

Avondale Writers ConferenceThe 3rd Annual Avondale Writer’s Conference is a literary event which will be held at the Avondale Civic Center in Avondale, Arizona on November 3rd 2012.

This one-day conference allows you to connect with agents, editors, and other writers. The theme is “Pen, Polish, Pitch, Publish, Promote”— steps that lead from an idea to a published book that is successfully marketed. In addition to sessions with authors, editors, and agents, there will also be an Agent Pitch Slam.

Proceeds benefit The Friends of the Avondale Libraries, a Not-for-Profit (501c3) organization. Sponsored by Friends of the Avondale Libraries and the City of Avondale.

Conference Registration Fee: $99

Registration Deadline: November 2, 2012

For more information, please visit the web site.

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Information and announcements such as these are provided from time to time by Indies Unlimited in the way of a public service. We strongly encourage interested parties to exercise due diligence in researching and evaluating all such opportunities of interest before choosing to participate.

Surfing In Stilettos Launch Party!

The most fabulous Carol Wyer invites you to the launch party for the eBook version of her latest hilarious novel, Surfing in Stilettos.

Here is what our own Cathy Speight had to say in her review of Surfing in Stilettos:

“Carol is a wonderful writer – she throws humour, intelligence, poignancy, thoughtfulness, and entertainment into a pot and the result is an original, funny, witty, and refreshing novel.” (See the entire review HERE.)

Scoot on over to Carol’s blog to win some cool prizes and to wish her well. Gift-giving season approaches—you might as well pick up a few copies while you’re there. You gotta know a fistful of folks who’ll love this one.

This title is available in print or Kindle editions from Amazon US and Amazon UK.

Manisha Bhati Announces New Release

love it isAuthor Manisha Bhati is pleased to announce the release of her new book of romantic short stories, Love, It Is!

Love, It Is! is a collection of stories that revolve around everyday lives of people, how they meet, fall in love and what that experience teaches them. The stories identify different aspects of love from different point of views. They convey the message that love brings happiness and hope to a person’s life. Whether you are with your loved one, or you have separated, love still remains in hearts and gives you a reason to go on.

Love, It Is! was released on August 26, 2012 and is available on and Amazon UK in print and as an e-book.