Meet the Author: Siobhán C Cunningham

Author Siobhán C. Cunningham

Author S.C. Cunningham writes with film in mind, as she says she worked in the music to film industry. She describes her work in movie styles,  “Think ‘Silence of the Lambs’ meets ‘Basic Instinct’ meets ‘Sex and the City.’ Terrifying thrills with intense sex and naughty chuckles.”

Siobhán says agents compare her style to that of Martina Cole, Karen Rose, and Jilly Cooper with added sex and laughter.  She says, “What sets me apart is that I throw the book at the readers, mixing fear, romance, sex, giggles and thought provoking questions.” Continue reading “Meet the Author: Siobhán C Cunningham”

Meet the Author: Katheryn Lane

Artist's Conception of Katheryn Lane

I put these “Meet the Author” features together the way I do for a reason. I like to give a glimpse of the author as a person, their process, and product. Part of it all is putting a face with the name. For me, that makes it more real. However, mild-mannered author Katheryn Lane declined to provide a photo. Knowing what I know about Katheryn, there can only be one reason for this: she’s a superhero. So, for the benefit of advancing the cause, I had our staff artists come up with a likely picture of Katheryn. I assume they got it pretty close, so let’s go with that.

Katheryn writes contemporary ‘sweet’ romance with a lot of plot, but a low heat level. “Even though my first book, The Royal Sheikh is set in the present, I refer to it as being ‘old fashioned’, as it is, in the words of one reviewer, ‘reminiscent of a classical romantic read.’ Many romances that are published nowadays have quite a high heat level and while I don’t disagree with this, I think there’s also a place for romance that closes the bedroom door. Overall, it is the type of romance that you would let your daughter read and you could give your mother (as I did!) without blushing,” she says. Continue reading “Meet the Author: Katheryn Lane”

Meet the Author: Frank A. Ruffolo

Author Frank A. Ruffolo

Frank describes his writing style as narrative; as if he were verbally telling a story or an event in time. He wants the reader to feel as if he he or she were experiencing it first hand as in a dream or watching a movie. He says, “I try to inject influences from actual current or past events into the storyline as well. This tends to hold the attention of the reader all the way to the conclusion. That is what I believe sets me apart.”

Frank started writing about 2½ years ago. The first storyline came to him in his sleep. “I awaken in the middle of the night with an idea that I thought would make a great movie, A story of a action adventure and love for my ‘Baby Boomer’ generation.”  This grew into trilogy still in the works. Continue reading “Meet the Author: Frank A. Ruffolo”

Meet the Author: Greta Burroughs

Author Greta Burroughs

Greta Burroughs’ latest release is a book entitled Heartaches and Miracles. It is a nonfiction narrative of her own experiences with an autoimmune disorder called immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).

“It’s not a dry medical text but a personal account of the roller-coaster ride I was on while trying to stabilize my blood platelet count. The book explains to the reader what ITP is and the treatments I went through. There are also short excerpts from other ITPers; together we try to give words of encouragement to those newly diagnosed as well as educate the rest of the world who have never heard of ITP,” she says. Continue reading “Meet the Author: Greta Burroughs”