Planting Seeds…

Author Ken La Salle
Author Ken La Salle

Guest post
by Ken La Salle

As a writer, I sometimes have to remind myself to think beyond my current project (or projects). I find it important to remember to play the long game and not focus only on the immediate. This is a career I’m building, not a fairy tale. Things take time.

It is with this in mind that I decided to write these words to share with you.

Recently, I’ve been trying to get my philosophical memoir, Climbing Maya (available in ebook and paperback), recognized by a few media outlets in the hopes of driving up sales. When I talk about media outlets, I’m talking about newspapers, magazine, television and… oh, but I live in southern California where nobody reads and the TV market isn’t even aware of my existence. Taking that into consideration, media becomes blogs, podcasts, and radio (with a smattering of others hopefuls along the way). Continue reading “Planting Seeds…”

Suggestion Box

The universe of Indie authors is a diverse one. We at Indies Unlimited do our best to provide quality content and convenient site features to our ever-growing reader base. Sometimes we get praise for these efforts. Sometimes we get helpful suggestions. Some few times we get a little mean-spirited criticism.

I’m a big, tough Evil Mastermind, so the detractors can’t really raise a welt on me, but there are times when it seems to me that people do get frustrated when we fail to act immediately on the great idea they suggested lo, these many hours ago.

I can understand that people may not know what goes on backstage at this multi-megawatt nuclear-powered deathstar of a blog, so I thought I’d offer you a peek behind the curtain. Continue reading “Suggestion Box”