It makes sense that, with financial investments and underwear, you shouldn’t try to go through life with just one, right? This sort of logic is the direction I’ve taken with writing as well. Writing, for me, has never been about making the great American novel, or trying to be the best-selling novelist of all time. It’s been a means to an end. I like to create, and this particular craft suits me. If an opportunity comes my way, there’s very little chance I’ll say no. With that in mind, I don’t expect everyone to read this article without hesitation. After all, we all have different aspirations, and some of you out there are more driven towards specific goals. Still, you should hear me out. Continue reading “Writing and Underwear: More Is Better”
Tag: genre jumping
Is One Genre Enough? by Melissa Pearl

Ever since I was a child, my head has been buzzing with stories. I couldn’t help it. No matter where I was, no matter what I was doing, I always had characters jumping around the back of my mind, getting in to trouble, falling in love, fighting their way to freedom. It was fun and to be honest, got me through some tough times. The imagination is a magical thing. I don’t know where I’d be without mine.
Now that we’ve all established I’m just a little crazy 🙂 I’ll get to my point.
With new stories arriving in my brain on a constant basis, it is really hard to narrow myself to one genre. I know they say you should build your platform so as not to confuse your readers, but are we underestimating our readers by doing this? Continue reading “Is One Genre Enough? by Melissa Pearl”