
Forget everything you know. Tear down the gilt statues. Destroy your inked idols. Paint your words across the sky in bright vermillion. Whisper them on butterfly wings. Dance the dance of your forefathers, wrapped in silken words. Create for them a beautiful implosion. They are as blossoms falling. They are like wondrous corpses. Let the colors swirl and shift.

Continue reading “Write!”

Sex Scenes Must Serve the Story – Richard C. Hale

Let’s talk about sex. Not the gender kind, or the orientation kind, or even ‘the lack of’ kind, I’m talking about the sex that an author decides to put in their novel. I, for one, have tried and it, I have to say, I liked it. Does that mean I feel every one of my stories needs some soft porn or graphic gratuitous gratification? No. Is erotica a necessary way to keep the story going? I don’t think so. Does it have its place? Oh definitely. I’m just not sure what that place is yet. Continue reading “Sex Scenes Must Serve the Story – Richard C. Hale”

The Influence of Personality on Authorial Style

Part of the allure of being a writer is the ability to create another whole (albeit fictional) world. We might have very little control over events in the real world, but we can play God in the ones we invent. We choose what happens to whom, who lives and dies, every twist and turn, and we alone decide how it all shall end.

I wondered to what extent those decisions we make as the supreme beings of our story-worlds are influenced by our own personality type.  There are many formal ways to categorize personality types but, as with most things, I have my own way. I classify personalities as: Optimist, Pessimist, Skeptic, and Cynic. Continue reading “The Influence of Personality on Authorial Style”

Ed’s Casual Friday: Happy Birthday to Me.

BirthdayToday is February 24th, 2012, meaning tomorrow is the 25th. I mention that, because 02/25/2011 is the publication date of The Sable City on Amazon KDP, the first title I ever uploaded, to the first place. I sold four copies the last couple days of that month, and of course I know who bought them.  😉

At that time, one year ago, my “online presence” consisted of an e-mail account I checked every few days. Maybe once a week. No facebook, no blog, never heard of Goodreads nor Smashwords, nor several dozen other virtual places where I now seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on a daily basis. Continue reading “Ed’s Casual Friday: Happy Birthday to Me.”