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How To Keep Off 60 Pounds Forever!!

by Patricia Barrigher
This is Patricia Barrigher’s personal experience of the first time she was able to get off the yo-yo diet merry-go-round.
FREE on July 5th
Supportive Accountability: How to Inspire People and Improve Performance

by Sylvia Melena
Inspire Employees and Improve Performance with Supportive Accountability Leadership!
FREE until July 7th
Amadea: One Spring in France
Michelle Granas
“A quick, entertaining, wonderful story”—Amazon review. Love and unusual friendships develop in a French village.
$.99 this week (free with Kindle Unlimited)
Swans Are Fat Too
Michelle Granas
A heartwarming love story between an overweight pianist and a disinherited prince in Warsaw—an Amazon bestseller. “Original,” “beautiful.”
$.99 this week (free with Kindle Unlimited)

By Alex Henderson
This outrageous comedy shows what it means to be a man with a ‘small’ problem that just got much bigger!
Free on Amazon – July 5
Zaremba, or Love and the Rule of Law
Michelle Granas
Cordelia is disabled but is forced to take action when a stranger needs her help—an Amazon bestseller set in Poland.
$.99 this week (free with Kindle Unlimited)
Tormented Heart: A Story about Love & Hope

John D. Ottini
Austin Drummond travels to Bodega Bay, California, to honor his wife’s final request and to say goodbye to a dear, sweet friend.
Only – $0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
Deadly Revelations: Stories About Love & Murder
John D. Ottini
Love makes the world go round. But it can also turn spouses into enemies, saints into sinners, and passion into murder.
Now only – $0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
People Behaving Badly
John D. Ottini
People Behaving Badly is a collection of thirteen short mystery stories exploring the folly of criminal behavior.
Only – $0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
A Peek at Bathsheba

Uvi Poznansky
David’s forbidden love for Bathsheba and his attempt to cover up the scandal. Will he muster the strength needed to protect her and save their son from danger?
0.99 07/05/2018-07/08/2018
Inspired by Art: The Edge of Revolt

Uvi Poznansky
Here is the work of world-renowned artists around the story of David and Absalom.
FREE 07/05/2018-07/09/2018
The Body in the Bed

Jerold Last
Visit Montevideo, Uruguay for a fast paced, action filled international mystery. Who killed the body in the bed?
$0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
The Body in the Parking Structure

Jerold Last
Can you figure out who killed the body in the parking structure before private eye Roger Bowman does? Good luck!
$0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
The Body in the Alpaca Pasture

Jerold Last
A classic whodunit mystery featuring an exotic setting, a complex murder case, and a suspenseful plot.
The Bodies by the Beltway

Jerold Last
Who is the mysterious sniper recreating the historical Beltway sniper attacks of 2002 in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia?
$0.99 (Free with Kindle Unlimited)
Owl’s Eye View Magazine Volume 9 – Issue 2
Terri DelCampo
A dark fiction quarterly featuring columns, poetry, and short stories written by Terri DelCampo and her ongoing fictitious characters.
99 cents
The Island Game: The Inside Story of Seaward Isle
Joni Parker
Stuck on an island in space somewhere? Investigate it.
99 cents
Ma Barker’s Boys: The Adventures of Bass Reeves, Deputy US Marshal: Volume Five

Charles Ray
Bass uses subterfuge to capture two bungling outlaw brothers
99 cents
Renegade Roundup: The Adventures of Bass Reeves, Deputy US Marshal – Volume Four

Charles Ray
Bass refuses to give up before serving the last of his warrants.
99 cents
The Shaman’s Curse: The Adventures of Bass Reeves, Deputy US Marshal: Volume Three

Charles Ray
When Bass arrests the old medicine man, things begin to go seriously wrong.
99 cents
The Marshal and the Madam: The Adventures of Bass Reeves, Deputy US Marshal: Volume Two

Charles Ray
Bass was friends with Belle Starr, but then he was given a warrant to arrest her.
99 cents
Wagons West – Bounty Hunter: Daniel’s Journey – Book Three

Charles Ray
Daniel and his cousins decide to help a bounty hunter capture a gang of outlaws.
99 cents.
Fateful Decisions by Trevor D’Silva

Rachel’s decision to marry one of the two men that proposed to her bring about consequences she did not anticipate.
Book is available for 99c on July 15 – July 19, 2018. So 5 days to get the book at this low price.
Face Recognition

by Havelock Mandamus
After a deadly bio-weapon plunges a city into chaos, a remorseful prisoner reveals the secrets of a mysterious black mask.
FREE until July 8th
Arydias Kainge and the Treasure of a Thousand Kings

by Brent Gunn
A fantasy adventure series filled with steam-powered technology, mystical creatures, and swashbuckling action.
FREE until July 9th
Language Learning for (Reasonably) Smart People: A Comprehensive Guide

by Andrew Peterson
The truth is that language learning is not actually hard in the sense that one has to be smart to do it.
FREE until July 12th