I hope each and every one of you is home safe, and that you and your families are healthy.
This is a troubling time, with the future uncertain. Many have lost their jobs, and most of those who haven’t are now working from home. Many of them have their children home as well. None of these scenarios are exactly the greatest ambiance for writing.
Yet writing (and eating lots of chocolate or whipped cream) is a great coping mechanism. Even simply jotting down what you saw and felt in an attempt to document the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020 can provide some relief, and it won’t make you fat.
As the notes come out, it’s not a far reach to imagine using them in a post-apocalyptic novel or a science fiction book. Of course, you could just use them in an actual memoir. Or, you could not use them at all, or file them in a drawer. Then, there are some of us who use humor to cope – and will end up writing a spoof or comedy. Maybe you just want to have something documented to share with your grandchildren. None of these ways is wrong. Whatever helps you cope is the right thing to do.
Those of you who have been working on projects may feel a little lost and unable to focus. That’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up. These are times the likes of which we’ve never seen before. Feeling a little funky is to be expected. I’ve had a huge list of things to get done forever and now I’m at a loss for what those are. If looking at memes on Facebook was on the list, I’d be an overachiever. In any case, give yourself time to deal with things.
I think a lot of people feel helpless right now, but the reality of it is – staying home is doing something. It’s pulling dominoes out of the line and hopefully preventing something even more catastrophic.
An activity that might help could be playing a writing game with your kids. Ask them to write down how they feel about being home right now. Maybe you want to ask them to write what they would be doing if they could do anything. They could also write about what worries them. This will give you insight into what they’re going through and be an easy way to open up discussion and help them overcome their fears. Just don’t forget to write your own assignment at the same time. If they’re too young to write, have them draw.
Many authors are making their books free so people (and kids!) can have something to read to pass the time. Reading is such a great escape. Smashwords is having a big sale right now and many of those books are free.
If it moves you, take advantage of those free books. Take advantage of the new time you may have. Read, write – do what helps you find your balance. If it’s neither, that’s fine, too. Find something that works for you, and don’t feel guilty about it!
Keep safe and healthy. Whatever the “new normal” ends up being, we’ll get there together.
All the best from me and the IU staff,
Self-care has never been more important than at this time of crisis. For writers that often means writing – and reading – or whatever makes you feel more balanced. Stay well and safe my friends..
Exactly. 🙂
Thanks, Kat! As I’ve seen in memes:
You’re not stuck at home, you’re safe at home.
The longer people don’t comply with social distancing, the longer they’ll have to do it.
We will get through this, and we will be stronger on the other side. I hope the scientific community learns a lesson from this and figures out a way to develop tests and vaccines quicker. As the icecaps melt, we can look forward to centuries-old viruses thawing and attacking a population without immunity to them.
Stay safe!
All good points, Kathy. Thanks for being here. 🙂
Thanks for sharing, good points!
My pleasure. Thanks for commenting.
Glad to see somebody else appreciates whipped cream. Cream’s ahead of toilet paper on my list?
Are you kidding? It’s like pudding except better LOL 🙂
hugs back to you all.
Stay safe.
Thank you, PDR! You too. 🙂
Chocolate mousse…and no, I’m not feeling guilty at all. At least not yet. Take care, Minions, and stay safe. -hugs-
Using writing (and reading) to cope with life’s ordeals is nothing new to me. I discovered years ago, for example, that writing in my personal journal is very therapeutic. Whenever the world becomes overwhelming for me, diving into that journal ends up relieving the tension. It also works with my other creative writing projects.
Despite the trauma of the current COVID-19 crisis, quarantines and mandatory shelter-in-place orders are an ideal breeding ground for people in the creative arts. A number of writers could complete long-stalled tasks and hopefully concoct better ideas for TV shows and movies than what we’ve seen tumbling out of Hollywood in recent years. They should be able to work uninterrupted anyway. With so many people at home bearing guns and enough bleach and paper towels to clean up any mess, writers shouldn’t have to worry about criminals bursting into their homes to steal computers!