Kathleen Schumar is the Readers’ Choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. The winning entry is decided by the popular vote and rewarded with a special feature here today. (In case of a tie, the writer who submitted an entry first is the winner per our rules.) Without further ado, here’s the winning story:

Trick… or Treat
by Kathleen Schumar
“Trick or treat,” my brother Ali shouted when I opened the front door.
A blast of cold air cut through the sunlight. I shivered despite my wool shirt. “You’re a little old for this.” I snorted. “Finn’s in New York and I want to nap upstairs.”
“Watch this, Molly,” he shrieked. Playing cards sprang from one delicate pale hand to the other in a perfect floating arc.
Ali got Dad’s first name; I got his black hair and eyes. Ali also scored Mom’s gift for tricks and rosy cheeks. They matched his ruby magician’s jacket.
“Great.” I held out the candy bowl. “Now act thirty-four and go back to work.”
He grabbed two KIND bars and whistled. A ghost burst from the bushes. Ali put a bar in the white-gloved hand.
“Just one more trick for your treats.” Ali’s tone was teasing. “Ta-da.” He yanked off the ghost’s sheet.
My boyfriend’s blond cowlick stuck up. I doubled over, laughing, then pulled the two into the hallway.
Finn offered a Tiffany box from his pocket. “I brought something back for you.” His suit was rumpled. His eyes twinkled and he shifted feet. My face flushed. How I loved him.
I opened the box. The room spun. I grabbed the door jamb.
Finn slipped the gold band with the glittering diamond on my finger. “Will you…?
“Oh yes!”
We kissed. Finn scooped me into his arms and we went up the stairs. Wiping a tear, I blew a kiss to my brother.