Holiday eBook Deals December 1-6

santa kindle ebooksThere’s nothing like good eBooks priced affordably, and we’ve got a bunch right here for you! They’re all either free or 99 cents, so tell all your friends! Yeah, I know, we’re really good to you!

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8 thoughts on “Holiday eBook Deals December 1-6”

  1. Enchanted by the Enigmatic Duke
    Abigail Adams
    Lady Evelyn Sinclair yearns for more than the confines of her life. Duke Alexander Harrington, an enigmatic nobleman with a mysterious past, returns to London.
    $ 0.99 (permanent price)

  2. The World is Our Playground Series Book 5: Nanak & Tara’s Australian, Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island) Adventure
    Jamel Kaur Singh & Uncle Gene Blow
    Australian siblings Nanak & Tara explore the world of the Aborigines in Queensland, Australia, and discover their land, culture, language, and many more!
    FREE PROMO PERIOD: December 5, 2023, 12:00 AM PST to December 7, 2023, 11:59 PM PST

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