for Authors

Indies Unlimited is proud to be recommended by Preditors and Editors in their Promotional and Marketing Services Category.

Promotion on Indies Unlimited

When it comes to promotion, we approach things a little differently than most sites.

  • We don’t want your money. We’re not here to make money off authors, we’re here to help you. So, we no longer accept paid advertising from authors.
  • Instead, we offer authors the chance to get their books out there, for free, to a large audience. That’s why we still offer Thrifty Thursdays, Print Book Party Sundays, and Kindle Unlimited Hump Days. All we ask in return is that you share those posts, and that you don’t be a drive-by. Stick around, stay a while, and take a look at how your book cover fares in thumbnail size. If you can’t read it – please take advantage of all the free tools on our site.
  • Each free feature is broadcast in an email newsletter to our subscribers, to our Facebook fans, on Tumblr, Google+, and to our Twitter followers. Our admins often also share posts, and our staff writers, if they see a book which interests them, will do the same on multiple platforms.
  • We don’t track visitors, per se. What we do follow is our Alexa ranking, which is more valuable since they allow a comparison to other web sites, and tell us how long people stay, and how many articles they view on average while they’re here. If you’re not familiar with Alexa, this very short article explains it. Our current rankings are at

Some of the effectiveness of these free features also depends on the author. If the author is disinterested and share the posts, then the feature will not pack the punch it could. We have a helpful article called “Putting Your Indies Unlimited Features to Work for You” which we recommend everyone read. ENT, KB&T, PeopleReads, and many others always suggest authors spread the word about their promotions, so this is no different.

Participating in our free promo features isn’t just about selling books (although we do have many happy and repeat participants). It is also about effective frequency. With our high traffic site, that means a lot of people will be seeing it.

Thanks for supporting Indies Unlimited.

Promotional Services and Packages


Indies Unlimited is dedicated to celebrating, informing, and promoting indie authors. This site provides a platform that can increase your exposure and introduce your work to new readers. The array of free features includes Thrifty Thursdays, Print Book Paradise, Kindle Unlimited Hump Days, and our weekly flash fiction challenge. The submissions guidelines are explained in detail on the features’ respective pages.