Indies Unlimited Q&A

Q: What is an “indie” author?
A: Because the term is somewhat nebulous, we’re asked from time to time about our definition of an “indie author.” At Indies Unlimited, we support a broad and inclusive definition that encompasses authors whose body of work is not obligated to a single large publishing company. Authors who are exclusively self-published, those who work with small print or regional presses, or small digital publishers, and those who may do some of each, or even have only some work published by traditional publishers are welcome here. The bottom line is that if you consider yourself to be an indie, you most likely qualify.

Q: Are all genres of literature promoted on Indies Unlimited?
A: No. The main genres we promote are listed in the masthead. We also feature some children’s books. As a general rule, we stay away from sex, religion, and politics. We rarely feature poetry or business writing (except as it relates to the business of writing).

Q: Do you do book reviews?
A: We do not do book reviews. We have two contributors who are respected reviewers with their own review sites. Rather than posting reviews here, Cathy and Big Al provide valuable advice and insights to authors from their unique  perspectives.

Q: I have a topic suggestion, how do I get that to you?
A: Submit any suggestions for topics or features you’d like to see by using the contact form. We are always open to suggestions, and want to meet the informational needs of the indie community. In some cases, we may be able to direct you to a previous post on the topic.

The answers to these and other questions can be found on our FAQ page.

Book Brief: Joe Cafe

Joe Café
by JD Mader
Genre: Psychological Crime Drama
40,000 words
The murder at Joe Café is an abomination. It stops the entire universe. For Michael, it tarnishes everything, including his badge. For Chet and his hostage, it is the beginning of a chase that will lead them through dingy motels and the darkest corridors of their minds. Dogan just wants Sara back. Jimmy the Cat wants to make up for all the time he has wasted. Frankie wants to live a ‘moral’ life, erasing everyone in his path who does not live up to his standards. Conventional notions of good and evil quickly blur as they are all forced to look into the mirrors they have avoided for so long. Chilling and horrifying, whimsical and wretched, Joe Café’s cast of broken characters try to find their way in a world they never understood to begin with…for the Chens, it is easy. They are dead.

This title is available from Amazon US and Amazon UK. (FREE the 8th and 9th) Continue reading “Book Brief: Joe Cafe”

Video Trailer: Forbidden Territory

Four teenagers embark on a geo-caching expedition into New Zealand’s native bush expecting a long weekend filled with flirtatious fun; instead secrets are exposed as they stumble across a hidden marijuana crop and its gun-wielding watchmen. Forced apart they spend the next forty-eight hours racing blindly in opposite directions as they fight to find each other before the hunters do.

Forbidden Territory, the young adult action/adventure romance by Melissa Pearl and Brenda Howson, is available from, Amazon UK and Smashwords.



Flash Fiction Challenge: Crazy Like a Fox

Photo by K.S. Brooks

Vixie was feeling very optimistic that today she would definitely catch that smart-aleck rabbit.

It was really a pretty straightforward thing. Her cousin, a coyote from the desert Southwest had turned her on to his supplier.

Vixie was well aware of the troubles he’d had, but she also knew a rabbit is no roadrunner. Even some wise-cracking rabbit with a Brooklyn accent would be no match for her today.

Oh boy! This is gonna be great. We’ll have rabbit stew tonight. Now, if only she can get this thing put together properly…

In 250 words or less, tell me a story incorporating the elements in the picture. The 250 word limit will be strictly enforced. Continue reading “Flash Fiction Challenge: Crazy Like a Fox”