Recently, I gave an interview on The Good Health Show with Dr David Friedman. It was a relaxed interview discussing the many ways we should try to accept getting older and appreciate who we are rather than battling the signs with face lifts and botox.
It was a far cry from my first interview at a local BBC Radio Station. I had bombarded the BBC with wild claims about my debut novel and in the end had succeeded in procuring an interview on a popular morning show. I had been invited to talk about NaNoWriMo and had prepared copious notes about the subject. Nervously, I waited for the cue to enter the small room in which sat a male presenter. I could hear the show which was being played through the tannoy system as I waited, my hands shaking, in the waiting room. Nerves kicked in early, after all, I was a writer not an after dinner speaker. Eventually, I was hustled into a darkened room where I discovered I couldn’t see my carefully detailed notes. Needless to say I fluffed the interview. I cringe to this day at the ridiculous answers I came up with. It was farcical. Continue reading “How my story ends—or doesn’t by Carol Wyer“