Hoarding for Writers













Welcome to The Learning Curve. As a new writer I expect to make mistakes. My job is to show you these mistakes so that you can avoid them yourself.

Hoarding for Writers

My wife says that I’m a packrat because I never throw anything out. There is a bit of truth to that statement. You never know when you might need that box of fuses, the old PC case with a power supply, or the broken lawn mower that could be used for parts. I have trouble throwing things away because I might need them someday. But that’s not true of everything. For example, I had no trouble at all throwing out one of the books that I’m working on, only to start over. Twice.

If we’re keeping score, this would be stupid thing #12 that I’ve done so far this year. Don’t ask what the other eleven are. You wouldn’t believe me anyway. Or maybe you would, and that would be rather depressing. Continue reading “Hoarding for Writers”

Navigating the Facebook Timeline

By now most of you have probably seen the new Facebook timeline. As a developer I’ve been using it for the past several months and have long since gotten used to it, though it did take some time to figure out a few of the settings. The most annoying of which is that Facebook would like to share everything with everyone. Big Brother would be proud.

In this Tutorial Tuesday post we’re going to guide you through the timeline settings, and in the process show you how to avoid posting something that you might not want to share with the public. Why you would post it on Facebook in the first place is a question you will have to answer for yourself.  Continue reading “Navigating the Facebook Timeline”

Perception is Reality

Two people can experience the same event and walk away with completely different opinions of what they just shared. If you don’t believe me, then take your spouse to a Hugh Grant movie. One of you will love it and the other won’t. And while you both may be moved to tears during the movie, I can assure you it will be for different reasons. Please note that I have nothing against Hugh Grant or his movies. It was just an example, so save the hate mail.

On second thought send the hate mail. It’s been a hectic week and I could use a laugh. The point I’m trying to make is that we all perceive things differently. This is important to remember if you are a new writer or happen to find yourself watching a Hugh Grant movie. Continue reading “Perception is Reality”

It’s a Wonderful Life

KD Rush

Hell may have just frozen over. Either that or I’m asleep and dreaming. In case of the latter, please don’t wake me. Just let me enjoy the winning lottery ticket for a few minutes more.

When Stephen Hise tracked me down, he threw out an offer that I couldn’t possibly refuse; my own column here at Indies Unlimited, one of the best blogs on the net. To say that this is an honor would be an understatement. In fact, there really aren’t any words that could adequately express how privileged I feel to be included in the same company as the talented staff here at IU.

Even so, and I have to be honest, there was some hesitation on my part. It took a great deal of effort not to immediately jump at this opportunity. I am not an author, yet. My credentials as a writer are lackluster at best, and downright poor compared with the amazing array of talent that Stephen has assembled here. What could I possibly have to offer? Before giving an answer, I had to ask myself a few hard questions. Continue reading “It’s a Wonderful Life”