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Ralph L Angelo Jr Wins Flash Fiction Challenge

Congrats to Ralph L Angelo Jr, the readers’ choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.

The winning entry is recognized with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

Without further ado, here’s the winning story:

Continue reading “Ralph L Angelo Jr Wins Flash Fiction Challenge”

Arlene R. O’Neil Wins Flash Fiction Challenge

Congrats to Arlene R. O’Neil , the readers’ choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.

The winning entry is recognized with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

Without further ado, here’s the winning story:

Continue reading “Arlene R. O’Neil Wins Flash Fiction Challenge”

New Spring Releases

Spring is here and so are some new indie releases!

Stories of Genesis Vol 2 120x177Stories of Genesis Volume 2 by Chris James

Five more short stories inspired by lyrics in songs from the Greatest Rock Band in the World: Genesis.

Stories of Genesis Volume 2 is available through Amazon.com, Smashwords, and Amazon UK.

Dawn of Steam 120x177Dawn of Steam: First Light by Jeffrey Cook

Adventurers write home from a post-Napoleonic-War airship expedition in this alt-history, early-era Steampunk epistolary novel.

Dawn of Steam: First Light is available on Amazon.com and Amazon UK.

the boyfriend list 120x177The Boyfriend List by Renee Novelle

The Boyfriend List is a light, New Adult romance about friendship, trust, & learning to let go in order to embrace what real love can offer.

The Boyfriend List is available through Amazon.com, Smashwords, and Amazon UK.

A Deeper Cut 120x177A Deeper Cut by Sheri Wren Haymore

A “harmless” prank results in a bloody standoff with a serial killer, forcing a college student to confront truths he’s been running from.

A Deeper Cut is available at Amazon.com and Amazon UK.
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IU 2013 Flash Fiction Anthology 120x177Indies Unlimited 2013 Flash Fiction Anthology

51 winning stories from 24 authors from around the world. How can you resist a caveman named Og, or a headsman’s haunted chopping block?

The Indies Unlimited 2013 Flash Fiction Anthology is available through Amazon.com, Smashwords, and Amazon UK.