New Release: IU Snarkopaedia (Vol. I)

We are pleased to announce the release of the Indies Unlimited Authors’ Snarkopaedia (Volume I). In this single volume, we have hand-picked the finest mountain-grown snark from an entire year of splendiferous snarkilepsy.

This epic work is bound in rare leather-covered pixels, and rendered in the finest imported lettering available.

Sure, you could expend the time and effort to find some of this treasure on the Indies Unlimited Site, but that could take years and cost thousands of lives. Besides, we know you weren’t paying attention the first time around.

With the Indies Unlimited Authors’ Snarkopaedia (Volume I) you’ll learn and laugh at the same time. Isn’t that better than how you usually do it?

This compendium of work includes articles by the eminent K.S. Brooks, the venerable Laurie Boris, and the irascible Stephen Hise.

Get your copy now at Amazon!

Congrats to Flash Fiction Winner Chris James

Our own Chris James is the winner of the Indies Unlimited weekly Flash Fiction competition. There was a tough field of competitors this week. Congratulations to Chris, and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries!

The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

Without further ado, here’s the winning entry: Continue reading “Congrats to Flash Fiction Winner Chris James”

Emma Meade Announces New Release

under the desert moonAuthor Emma Meade is pleased to announce the release of her new paranormal novel: Under the Desert Moon.

Seventeen-year-old Erin Harris spends her time daydreaming, hoping to escape her small town life in Copperfield, Arizona. When a movie crew arrives unexpectedly to shoot a vampire film over the summer, Erin’s small town world changes forever. Erin is positive she has seen the star, James Linkin before in a thirty year old TV show. He hasn’t aged a day. How is this possible? Erin is determined to find out, but how will James handle the scrutiny of an all too intelligent teenage girl?

“This was a fantastic read, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to read a new vampire novel where the relationship is just a tad more believable, and the vampire is likewise.” – Author Miranda Stork

Under the Desert Moon was published by by Soul Fire Press and became available during September 2012 from Amazon US, Amazon UKand Barnes and Noble.

Future of Ink Top 10 Self-Publishing Blog Contest

Ellen Britt and Denise Wakeman have announced their inaugural contest to find the Top 10 Best Self-Publishing Blogs. On their blog, The Future of Ink, they write:

“We need your help to find the ‘best of the best’ blogs specifically for online entrepreneurs who are looking for information about self-publishing. To that end we’re launching a contest and invite you to nominate your favorite blog for self-publishers.”

To be eligible, a blog must be nominated by multiple people. Nominations are open until  November 16, 2012.

Entrants will be evaluated based on:

1) the quality of their content;

2) the frequency of their posts;

3) reader involvement; and,

4) their blog’s ranking.

If you’d like to nominate Indies Unlimited (and we would appreciate that) you can do so in the comment thread on the Future of Ink Blog. Winners will be announced in mid December.