Does Your Novel Have an Expiration Date?

You loved that old TV show. You know the one. With the topical humor that once had you laughing your ass off and quoting the good lines to your friends at lunch the next day. Now you catch it in syndication and it looks a little…dated. The jokes fall flat, the hairstyles are embarrassing, and the whole thing kind of flops around like a dying halibut. You’d put a bullet in its brain if not for the gawking-at-a-car-accident vibe. Then there are other shows that may be even older, yet you can watch episodes over and over and the content still feels new.

The same goes for contemporary fiction. That dead fish, the curdled milk, the rancid orange juice could be your book. Sure, contemporary fiction is, in its essence, contemporary. So why do some novels hold up over time and some quickly get that “not-so-fresh-feeling?” How do you avoid stamping an expiration date on your work? Continue reading “Does Your Novel Have an Expiration Date?”

Spunky’s Present to You

Dali and his pet Ocelot.

The first writer’s blog that I read was written by the woman who would end up editing my first novel. In a particularly excellent post, she discussed at length the need to layer your characters – to give them strengths and weaknesses, good and evil motivations, and to otherwise make them as believably flawed as any human you might know. Annoying habits and pet peeves add depth, she postulated, and these idiosyncratic traits will make the character more believable. I’ve kept this post in my head as I develop my characters, and I’ve created a couple of doozies. In true Lois fashion, however, I would like to add a stylish twist to my mentor’s essay – when you want to give your reader a real clue as to what makes your character tick, give the character a pet. Continue reading “Spunky’s Present to You”

Not Enough Homework

HomeworkI get requests every day from authors – usually via email, asking for advice. How do I market my book? What’s an ISBN number? Is it important to have an eBook as well as a print book? My eyes are starting to roll back into my head.

I don’t mind helping and advising and what have you – but people need to do their homework. I’m not going to handhold if someone isn’t willing to put a little effort into it. This world of instant communication on the internet has made it way too easy for people to rifle off an email and let someone else do the work for them. Continue reading “Not Enough Homework”

Perception is Reality

Two people can experience the same event and walk away with completely different opinions of what they just shared. If you don’t believe me, then take your spouse to a Hugh Grant movie. One of you will love it and the other won’t. And while you both may be moved to tears during the movie, I can assure you it will be for different reasons. Please note that I have nothing against Hugh Grant or his movies. It was just an example, so save the hate mail.

On second thought send the hate mail. It’s been a hectic week and I could use a laugh. The point I’m trying to make is that we all perceive things differently. This is important to remember if you are a new writer or happen to find yourself watching a Hugh Grant movie. Continue reading “Perception is Reality”