Week 8 Flash Fiction Winner: Angela Rigley

Today we’re pleased to announce the winner of the eighth weekly Flash Fiction competition at Indies Unlimited.

The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

The 14 entrants received a total of 72 votes. With 35% of those, the winner is: Contestant #8– Angela Rigley.

Congratulations to Angela, and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries! Now, without further ado, (cue marching band) here’s the winning entry: Continue reading “Week 8 Flash Fiction Winner: Angela Rigley”

Ed’s Casual Friday: Happy Birthday to Me.

BirthdayToday is February 24th, 2012, meaning tomorrow is the 25th. I mention that, because 02/25/2011 is the publication date of The Sable City on Amazon KDP, the first title I ever uploaded, to the first place. I sold four copies the last couple days of that month, and of course I know who bought them.  😉

At that time, one year ago, my “online presence” consisted of an e-mail account I checked every few days. Maybe once a week. No facebook, no blog, never heard of Goodreads nor Smashwords, nor several dozen other virtual places where I now seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on a daily basis. Continue reading “Ed’s Casual Friday: Happy Birthday to Me.”

Fantasy-Faction Anthology

This Fantasy writing contest is looking for stories, of up to 8000 words, within any fantasy sub-genre. This could be traditional fantasy, epic fantasy, urban fantasy, steam-punk, and so on. $500 prize for the best Short Story, with runner up prizes of $250 and $125.  Six stories will be published in their Fantasy-Faction Anthology.  There is no entry fee.  The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2012.

For more information, please visit their website.

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Indies Unlimited is pleased to provide this contest information for the convenience of our readers.  We do not, however, endorse this or any contest/competition.  Entrants should always research a competition prior to entering. [subscribe2]

Bride of Frankenstein

Frankenstein is a writer’s game wherein a story is composed of sentences contributed by different authors. We play this game a lot in Book Junkies, and everyone has a lot of fun with it.

So, I’ll kick it off with a prompt sentence, then you guys each add a sentence in the comment thread. Each subsequent sentence should feed off the sentence before it in the thread. So, let’s see what monster of a story we can stitch together.

One note though: PG-13 type blog—keep it clever but clean.

Prompt sentence:

Samantha crept to the top of the stairs, her mind filled with trepidation at the scene she would find there.
