I try out my hand at noir—style detective fiction with a twist over at JD Mader’s place. (Or one of his places.)
Kristina Jackson Joins Team Bean

Friend and author Kristina Jackson announced today that she has accepted an offer from Inknbeans Press to join their team.
I caught up with Kristina while she was out “interviewing” limo drivers (as far as you know). She said, “When we are children we are told to wish upon a star, in adulthood we oft forget the magic. Don’t, because today by joining the bean team, my wish came true.”
Kristina will be bringing her debut novel, The Fool’s Journey to Inknbeans. This turn of events follows closely on the heels of Kristina’s interview here on Indies Unlimited. Coincidence? You decide!
Kristina is one of the Book Junkie mainstays, and we hope she doesn’t forget her pals when she’s rich and famous.
We wish Kristina the very best and trust she will keep us apprised of future developments.
Greta Burroughs’ New Title Now on Amazon!
Greta Burroughs announces that her new title, Patchwork Dog and Calico Cat is now available on Amazon!
Patchwork Dog has a knack for getting into trouble and his best friend, Calico Cat usually winds up right in the middle of the mess with him. Calico would rather spend her days sleeping in her nice comfortable bed, staying safe and worry free. She knows better than to follow Patchy when he is out looking for a new adventure, but she tags along anyway just in case…
On the other hand, Patchy is very curious and is always investigating new sights, sounds and smells. He follows his nose wherever it goes. Sometimes that leads to trouble but other times it gives Calico a chance to play a trick on her not so smart friend.
Join the two lovable creatures as Patchy tries to fly like a bird and finds out that soaring through the air is fun but the landing hurts too much. In another adventure, the little dog gets caught sneaking around an airplane. In the other three stories, Patchy and Calico eat too many apples, confront a not too friendly skunk, and take a magical ride into town.
Patchwork Dog and Calico Cat has illustrations at the beginning of each chapter that hint at what the new adventure will be about. Other pictures are included at the end of each story along with some questions for the child to answer. Older children can read the stories themselves or it would make a wonderful bedtime story book for younger kids. The five tales will entertain children of all ages with the antics of the title characters and hopefully teach youngsters some valuable lessons on sharing and working together.
Patchwork Dog and Calico Cat is available on Smashwords, Amazon US and Amazon UK.
Liz Schulte Announces Release of New Title!
Author Liz Schulte is pleased to announce the release of her book Secrets. This is the first book of the Guardian Trilogy.
While Olivia Martin observed life through her camera, the abyss gazed back at her. She discovers mysterious men follow her around, people close to her are dying, and her dreams are no longer her own as she falls head over heels for a perfect stranger. A chance encounter leads to an obsession that could destroy everything she has ever known or loved. Olivia is about to find out there is a lot she doesn’t know and sometimes what you don’t know can kill you.
Congratulations Liz on your new release. We all wish you much success!
Secrets is available from Amazon. You can learn more about Liz at her blog.