Meet the Author: Shay Fabbro

Author Shay Fabbro has a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and a doctorate in Human Medical Genetics. She is pictured at right, with her husband, following an experiment gone horribly awry. It is possible I may have made up that last part—but she is a PhD and university professor. Shay says her writing balances action with … Continue reading “Meet the Author: Shay Fabbro”

Meet the Author: Gerry McCullough

Gerry McCullough, author of Belfast Girls and Danger Danger believes  the most important thing in good prose writing is clarity. She credits a quote from George Orwell for reminding her that good prose is like a window pane. She says, “I strongly dislike writing which is complicated, pretentious, and hard to follow. I’ve tried in … Continue reading “Meet the Author: Gerry McCullough”

Meet the Author: Katheryn Lane

I put these “Meet the Author” features together the way I do for a reason. I like to give a glimpse of the author as a person, their process, and product. Part of it all is putting a face with the name. For me, that makes it more real. However, mild-mannered author Katheryn Lane declined … Continue reading “Meet the Author: Katheryn Lane”

Meet the Author: Victoria Howard

Some writers are descriptive in their style, writing more in a flavor of purple prose with relaxed writing, detailing each thing, while others are more literary, their prose so beautifully written that it nearly sings on the page. Author Victoria Howard describes her style as basic, “. . .giving enough description for the reader to … Continue reading “Meet the Author: Victoria Howard”