Meet the Author: Pam Bainbridge-Cowan

Pam describes her writing style as very informal and conversational. She is economical with words, using description to place her characters firmly in a setting or environment and to set the mood, but she uses dialogue to move the story forward. Pam says, “My writing is rather dark, with flashes of humor, sarcasm and irony. … Continue reading “Meet the Author: Pam Bainbridge-Cowan”

Meet the Author: Vickie Johnstone

Author Vickie Johnstone  says she is not quite sure what sets her writing apart, except that when she does start writing, she writes very quickly. Bad news for slow readers I guess. “My poetry is like flash poetry – I write it without thinking really. . . I was walking home from the supermarket yesterday … Continue reading “Meet the Author: Vickie Johnstone”

Meet the Author: Tony James Slater

This interview is going to be a little different because author and adventurer Tony Slater is the kind of guy who colors outside the lines. I’m not the one who is going to tell him his TPS report has to have a cover sheet. I want you to get as much pure, unadulterated Tony as … Continue reading “Meet the Author: Tony James Slater”

Meet the Author: Pam Logan

Author Pam Logan writes by the seat of her pants. She just sits down at her computer, thinks about the situation her character is in and just starts typing. “From there, my characters just take over. I don’t know where it is going or where it will end up. My main character was facing death … Continue reading “Meet the Author: Pam Logan”