A Matter of Perspective




That word looks so lonely. Every author has heard the proverbial, “Writing is the loneliest profession.”


We spend countless hours in front of the keyboard, with our imaginary and sometimes not so imaginary friends.

Think about it, if you write 750 words per hour (a decent clip, about what I average when I’m rolling) that means in the best case scenario, that’s 133 hours for a 100,000 word novel. In other words if you wrote for a solid five hours per day, it would work out to roughly 27 days—month and a week if you believe in weekends. Continue reading “A Matter of Perspective”

Branded by J.L. Murray

Author J. L. Murray

In my travels in the last year as an indie writer, I’ve learned a thing or two about selling my books. I’ve also learned what not to do. What to do and what not to do are what you always hear bloggers and writers screaming from the rooftops. It’s mostly people getting their panties in a bunch about spamming and establishing your brand. After a while, it makes your ears bleed, you hear it so many times. Spamming I get. It’s annoying. People don’t like to have their nose rubbed in your book. But branding? It just sounds painful and unnecessary to me. Like professional wrestling. Or dating Donald Trump.

No matter how many times I hear it, building a brand sounds more and more like a race car driver, plastering Pepsi and Conoco stickers all over his car and his person. This is what I think of when people talk about brands. Like writers are walking around with stickers all over their nobbly sweaters reading Paranormal Romance and Rock and Roll Horror Fiction and Zombie Erotica. Which makes me think that maybe the so-called gurus that tell us what do do may not have it right. What if these people telling you what to do are (gasp!) wrong? That would mean, of course, that I’m probably wrong, but if you’re familiar with my brand, that might not surprise you.

Maybe, just maybe, we should worry less about the brand and more about the writing. Continue reading “Branded by J.L. Murray

Ed’s Casual Friday: An Indie Prayer

Dearest Digital Gawd, now available as gif, jpeg, or bit map,

Give me this day a couple uninterrupted hours,

As I swore to myself I would have this chapter done Tuesday, and now it is Thursday.

No wait, it’s Friday. How did I lose a whole day and this thing still isn’t done? Continue reading “Ed’s Casual Friday: An Indie Prayer”

Ed’s Casual Friday: … … …

I have nothing to say.

Really, and I don’t just mean here, in my weekly column where I am supposed to… you know… say stuff. I’ve been like this all week in the “real world,” largely because I haven’t been in it very much. Continue reading “Ed’s Casual Friday: … … …”