It has been one of those weeks. This and that and some other thing goes wrong. Then some wackadoodle goes off in a Facebook thread, sets up a fake account and starts attacking everyone who disagreed with her, and extends the venom to include members of their families. That sort of thing leaves a bad taste in your mouth and puts you in a crappy mood.
Then I got a message from my friend Catherine Mahoney. She’s asking for a little help to draw attention to some authors who are out there trying to do a little good.
Indies Unlimited does not support or endorse any specific charity or cause. This isn’t just about that though. This is about people who see others suffering and decide to do something about it.That deserves to be applauded, and it reminds me of the greater good in this wonderful community of indie writers.
So, here are three projects aimed at extending a helping hand to those in need. You can click on those covers and buy the books.
Angels Cried – 40 authors and artists who contributed to create the anthology “Angels Cried.” This inspiring collection is a wonderful way to make a difference for those who truly need it the most. The proceeds from this book go to the Sandy Hook School Support Fund, managed by the United Way. Thank you for sharing hope.
April Rains benefits victims of the West Texas plant explosion and the donations go to the United Way of Texas which will distribute them to the first responders, their families, and others injured in the explosion.
United We Stand – This anthology was created by compassionate individuals who desired to assist the victims and survivors of the Boston Marathon Tragedy. All the proceeds will be donated to Wounded Warriors.