Indies Unlimited Welcomes Lin Robinson to the Team

Author Lin Robinson

Indies Unlimited is proud and pleased to announce that multi-talented Lin Robinson will be joining the crew here as a monthly contributor. You may remember Lin from his excellent series here on Indies Unlimited in which he decontructed, dismantled, and otherwise laid waste to some of the more spurious rumors, rules, and false idols of writing wisdom.

Born in Occupied Japan, schooled in Asia, now a 20 year resident of Latin America, Linton Robinson’s status as a born outsider is reflected in his books.

Robinson worked as journalist for years, winning awards and placing articles in top American magazine and newspaper markets. This was followed by a brief career as a photographer, also with credits in top markets. He then moved into mailorder catalogs, with noted success, before switching to newspapers in Mexico and Guatemala.

His syndicated columns “Flesh Wounds” and “Weekend Warrior” were cult favorites in the nineties.

He is currently working on novels and screenplays and doing videos.

See his personal website at

Indies Unlimited Welcomes M. Edward McNally to the Team!

Ed McNally

Indies Unlimited has acquired McNally Global in a hostile takeover bid. I am pleased to announce that my long time arch-nemesis and respected colleague Michael Edward “Ed” McNally will be joining Indies Unlimited as a contributing author. Ed will bring the kind of gravitas and intellectual firepower needed to class up this joint. I don’t care where he gets it, as long as he brings it.

Ed is a quick wit, a skilled writer and an all-around good guy. You’ll be seeing his posts here on a weekly basis.

In addition, Ed is a good friend and the author of The Norothian Cycle, an epic fantasy series.  I read the first of these, The Sable City. I was extremely impressed with McNally’s writing and imagination. I highly recommend it.

Please join Kat, JD, Cathy and me in welcoming Ed McNally to Indies Unlimited!
