Flash Fiction Voting Open

Who will be the next Flash Fiction Star? It’s time for IU readers to choose.

Check out this week’s entries here. Vote for your fave then use those share buttons at the bottom of the post to spread the word.

Remember, all our winners will be included in the next edition of the IU Flash Fiction Anthology. So, support your fellow writers and participate in this week’s voting, then spread the word, bang the drums, and share the link to let everyone know the vote is on.

Polls close tomorrow at 5 PM.


Whose pixels aggregated into the best flash fiction story this week?

  • Leonard Little (42%, 38 Votes)
  • Chris James (37%, 34 Votes)
  • Jon Jefferson (14%, 13 Votes)
  • Rich Meyer (3%, 3 Votes)
  • T.D. McKinnon (3%, 3 Votes)

Total Voters: 91

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NOTE: Entrants whose submissions exceed the 250 word limit are eliminated from the poll.

Flash Fiction Challenge: Crisis of Consciousness

Photo by K.S. Brooks

Sixty year-old Doug Slater was a wealthy New York banker. One night, his high-stress life caught up with him. Doug had a stroke in his sleep. For the last four years, he has been in a coma.

The last thing he remembered was going to sleep. No one was more surprised than Doug when he woke up this morning.

Partly, this was because he didn’t know where he was. Mostly, though, he was surprised to discover that he was now a young Latino man.

As disorienting as all this was, Doug’s day was about to get a whole lot weirder…

In 250 words or less, tell us a story incorporating the elements in the picture. The 250 word limit will be strictly enforced.

Please keep language and subject matter to a PG-13 level.

Use the comment section below to submit your entry. Entries will be accepted until Tuesday at 5:00 PM Pacific Time. Continue reading “Flash Fiction Challenge: Crisis of Consciousness”

Polls Open for Flash Fiction Challenge

Who will be the next Flash Fiction Star? It’s time for IU readers to choose.

Check out this week’s entries here. Vote for your fave then use those share buttons at the bottom of the post to spread the word.

Remember, all our winners will be included in the next edition of the IU Flash Fiction Anthology. So, support your fellow writers and participate in this week’s voting, then spread the word, bang the drums, and share the link to let everyone know the vote is on.

Polls close tomorrow at 5 PM.


Who is your choice for the next flash fiction star?

  • AV Carden (48%, 12 Votes)
  • Jon Jefferson (44%, 11 Votes)
  • Mandy White (8%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 25

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NOTE: Entrants whose submissions exceed the 250 word limit are eliminated from the poll.

Flash Fiction Challenge: Unguided Tour

Photo by K.S. Brooks

The pilot was the only one injured, but he was as good as dead if the locals had heard the crash. There was nothing to do but leave him behind and make our way back to the east as best we could.

Less than half a mile away from the site, we heard his screams. They had found him. No doubt they would soon be on our trail.

In 250 words or less, tell us a story incorporating the elements in the picture. The 250 word limit will be strictly enforced.

Please keep language and subject matter to a PG-13 level.

Use the comment section below to submit your entry. Entries will be accepted until Tuesday at 5:00 PM Pacific Time. Continue reading “Flash Fiction Challenge: Unguided Tour”